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发布时间:2018-01-06 07:13

  本文关键词:旅游景区经营权价值评估——基于实物期权视角的研究 出处:《经济管理》2013年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 旅游景区 经营权价值 价值评估 实物期权

[Abstract]:The value evaluation of scenic spot management right is the key to realize the rational circulation of scenic spot management right in our country, but the current method based on income reduction method can not accurately evaluate the value of scenic spot management right. The introduction of the concept of real options can improve the accuracy of the value evaluation of the right to management of scenic spots. This paper takes the perspective of property rights as the starting point. Through the dynamic and static characteristics of the real option of management right of scenic spot, the paper studies the formation and evolution mechanism of option value of management right of scenic spot, taking Guanzhoushan National key Scenic spot as an example. This paper makes a preliminary demonstration of the value evaluation of scenic spot management right from the perspective of real option, and draws the following conclusion: 1) the value of scenic spot management right is a kind of property right value relying on tourism resources. The essence of its value evaluation is the value of the exploitation right of tourist resources in capitalized scenic spots. The management right of scenic spots from the perspective of property rights is essentially a kind of nested real options which are executed annually and tourism resources are its underlying assets. 2) the value of management right of scenic spot based on real option is formed as follows: in the process of investment and development of scenic spot, the difference between expected tourism income and investment development cost brought by investment flexibility; (3) the characteristics of real options in scenic spots are a dynamic change process, the value of options in each stage is increased first and then decreased, and the value of options will become zero at the expiration date of the right of operation; 4) Integration of real option method is more scientific than simply adopting income reduction method, the evaluation result is more objective and the actual reference value is greater; 5) on the basis of constructing the value evaluation model of the right of operation option of scenic spot under the condition of single option, taking Guanzhoushan scenic spot as an example, this paper makes a comparative study with the existing evaluation methods. It further verifies the application value of real option theory in the value evaluation of scenic spot management right.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学管理学院;
【正文快照】: 科学准确地评估景区经营权价值是实现我国景区经营权合理流转的关键,经过学者多年的研究,国内基本形成了以收益还原法为主的景区经营权价值评估方法。该方法的评估思路是:投资者拥有了景区旅游资源的开发经营权,也就拥有了景区旅游资源未来预期收益的现值,将该预期收益现值除


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