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发布时间:2018-01-06 08:10

  本文关键词:中国传统伦理与古代都城形态礼制特征的历史演进研究 出处:《南京大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 伦理学 中国古代都城 城市形态 儒家礼制思想 天下为公 现代化

【摘要】:伦理首先是作为文明体系基础的宗教和哲学价值观上的表现,依次向上到社会经济基础,然后到政治制度和社会制度,最后才是文明的外在表现—城市形态、艺术、生活方式。本文首先论述了中国传统伦理价值观体系的形成,以及中国古代城市形态“礼制”特征的影响作用机制,探讨了基于伦理学角度的古代都城形态的研究框架。本文首先阐述了伦理学和城市形态的相关概念,分析了近年来研究相关文献,提出了从伦理学角度探讨和研究古代都城形态的思路框架,分析了以儒家“礼制”思想为核心的中国传统伦理思想的基本特点。 然后展开一条历史的主线,按中国古代伦理学思想体系的发展历史时期,分三个历史时段,分别探讨了从先秦到秦统一六国、到秦汉-南北朝-唐、宋-元明清不同历史时期,“礼制”伦理思想对古代都城形态的影响和作用过程,分析出以儒学为核心的中国传统“礼制”伦理思想对中国古代城市形态特征影响和作用的机制。及其背后的深层动力原因。 最后论述了古代传统伦理思想对中国城市现代化的意义,指出中国传统伦理的时代价值,探讨了中国传统伦理的现代化实现的途径。 第一章,绪论,阐述了从伦理学角度研究中国古代都城形态演进的意义,结合近年来相关研究文献,辨析了伦理学和城市形态的相关概念,提出了从伦理学角度探讨和研究中国古代都城形态的研究思路和框架体系,并且明确了主要研究内容和研究目标。 第二章,相关文献综述,分析了近年来研究城市形态和城市伦理的相关文献。第三章,论述了中国古代都城伦理学层面研究所涉及的理论,详解了西方现代伦理学的基本概念和理论体系,指出伦理学体系的核心结构是应用伦理学。从中国传统伦理思想的演变历史过程论述了中国古代伦理学的基本概念和理论体系。提出了以儒家“礼制”思想为核心的中国传统伦理思想的基本特点。最后就中国古代伦理思想和现代西方伦理思想的对比分析,指出中国传统伦理和现代西方现代伦理的在伦理实践主体上的意识差异。 第四章到第六章,论述了中国古代传统伦理思想对古代都城城市形态的影响,探讨了礼制形成的空间形式的原型,特别是周礼的礼制空间模式。分析了不同历史时期“礼”的伦理价值观思想对都城的城市形态影响,总结了中国传统伦理思想和中国古代都城“礼制”形态的演进历史过程。 第七章,论述了中国传统伦理思想和中国古代都城“礼制”形态的演进和相互作用机制的特征和内在的规律。 第八章,论述中国古代传统伦理思想对城市现代化发展的意义,首先是理解现代化的伦理概念,通过对现代化过程中的对中国传统伦理地位和价值的再发现,指出中国传统伦理的后现代意义,最后探讨了中国传统伦理的现代化实现的途径: 最后第九章,对全文进行了总结。提出了全文的主要结论和创新点。本文主要探讨了中国古代都城演进在伦理意义上的“礼制”思想影响下的演化,通过对中国古代都城的形态和中国传统伦理学相互作用的特征关系,揭示了其背后作用的机制。就是王权和民权的矛盾。王权利用中国古代天下观的认知体系,编制了一套完整的理论形态的推理公式。然后用都城的“礼制”特征形态来掩饰。和儒学礼的思想在找到了结合点。这一影响在当代中国城市仍然存在。从伦理学的角度,从伦理主体实践的主体,人的角度来研究古代都城的“礼制”形态。
[Abstract]:This paper first discusses the formation of Chinese traditional ethics values system and the influence function mechanism of the characteristics of ancient capital city form , discusses the formation of Chinese traditional ethics value system and the influence function mechanism of ancient city form ' s gift system ' characteristics , and probes into the research frame of ancient metropolis morphology based on ethics angle . Then expand a history main line , according to the development history period of the ancient ethics thought system of China , divided into three historical periods , the influence and the process of the " etiquette " ethics thought on the ancient capital formation in different historical periods , to Qin and Han - Southern and Northern Dynasties - Tang and Song - Yuan dynasties , and analyzed the mechanism of the influence and function of Chinese traditional " etiquette " ethics thought on ancient city morphology . Finally , it discusses the significance of ancient traditional ethics to the modernization of Chinese cities , points out the era value of Chinese traditional ethics , and probes into the ways to realize the modernization of Chinese traditional ethics . The first chapter , introduction , expounds the significance of studying the development of ancient capital city in ancient China from the angle of ethics , combines the relevant research literature in recent years , analyzes the relevant concepts of ethics and urban form , and puts forward the research thinking and framework system of studying and studying the morphology of ancient city in ancient China from the angle of ethics , and makes clear the main research content and research goal . In chapter 2 , the author analyses the relevant literatures about urban form and city ethics in recent years . In chapter 3 , the basic concept and theory system of western modern ethics are discussed , and the basic characteristics of Chinese ancient ethics are discussed . In chapter 4 to Chapter 6 , the influence of traditional Chinese traditional ethics on the urban form of ancient capital city is discussed , and the prototype of the space form formed by the gift system , especially the system space model of Zhou Li , is discussed . The influence of the idea of ethical values on the urban form of Ducheng in different historical periods is analyzed , and the historical process of Chinese traditional ethics thought and the form of " gift system " in ancient China is summarized . Chapter 7 discusses the characteristics and internal rules of the evolution and interaction mechanism of Chinese traditional ethics thought and the " gift system " form of ancient capital city of China . Chapter 8 discusses the significance of Chinese ancient traditional ethics to the development of urban modernization , first of all , to understand the modern ethics concept , through the rediscovery of Chinese traditional ethics status and value in the modernization process , points out the post - modern meaning of Chinese traditional ethics , and finally discusses the ways of modernization of Chinese traditional ethics : Chapter 9 summarizes the full text . The main conclusions and innovations of the text are put forward . This paper mainly discusses the evolution of the ancient capital evolution in the ethical sense , and reveals the mechanism of its role .



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