发布时间:2018-01-07 21:43
本文关键词:从佛像服饰和题材布局及仿帐、仿木构再论麦积山北朝窟龛分期 出处:《考古学报》2013年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 麦积山石窟 窟龛 北朝 木构建筑 题材 菩萨 分期与年代 造像 服饰 布局
[Abstract]:The second Buddha statue clothes and theme layout and the imitation account , the type of the imitation wood structure is arranged at the north foot of the west end of the Qinling Mountains , located in the southeast of Tianshui City , 45 kilometers away from the city , and 142 meters above the mountain . The grotto group is dug on the south facing cliff face of the steep wall , the lowest grotto is 20 meters from the ground , and the highest is 80 m ~ ( 2 ) from the ground . In the middle of the cliff and the middle of the cliff , there was a great collapse in the middle of the cliff due to the wet and rainy days , and the cave niche was generally classified as two areas of the west cliff and the east cliff . In the beginning of 1941 , the number rose to 194 , and the number rose to 194 in the beginning of the century . At the beginning of the century , the number rose to 194 . At the beginning of the century , the number rose to a third degree . At the beginning of the turn of the century , there was a total of 12 caves .
【作者单位】: 北京联合大学应用文理学院历史文博系;
【正文快照】: 目次一引言二佛像服饰和题材布局及仿帐、仿木构的类型排比三北朝窟龛的分期与年代四结语一弓丨言麦积山地处秦岭西端北麓,位于天水市东南,距市区45公里,山高142米。窟龛群就开凿在陡峭壁立的南向崖面上〔1〕,最低的洞窟距地面20米,最高者距地面达80米〔2〕。因潮湿多雨,又几
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