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发布时间:2018-01-17 00:28

  本文关键词:徐霞客旅游思想初探 出处:《东北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 徐霞客 晚明 旅游 旅游思想

【摘要】:徐霞客所处之时代—晚明,出现了前代少见的旅游家群体,旅游成为一种社会风尚。徐霞客也受此社会风尚的影响,从书斋走出来奔向自然,成为旅游家群体中的一员。 徐霞客大半生的旅游生涯,可分为三个时期:早期观光揽胜期;中期点游休整期;末期万里遐征期。在这三个时期中,徐霞客的出行方向和地域偏好具有明显差别。早中期以江阴为中心,向南北方向延伸,集中于东南沿海地带;末期则探幽西南,以躯命游。徐霞客在旅游过程中,也形成了自己的特点:时间上,,多以春季出游;地域上,偏重于南方;旅游与科学考察紧密结合;独特的科学旅游考察方法。以旅游活动为基础,徐霞客形成了多样化的旅游思想,主要包括:求知务实,俭之以德;游以达道;游以自适。这些旅游思想形成后,又对徐霞客的旅游动机、旅游出行方向和具体的旅游方式产生了积极影响。 本研究以旅游地理学、旅游美学、旅游社会学、旅游文化学等旅游学科分支为理论依据,并运用历史学有关的资料、观点和方法,对中国古代历史上旅游活动及现象按照历史发展顺序分阶段的进行概括总结,并抽象出各个历史时期具有代表性的旅游思想特征,然后对徐霞客旅游思想进行历史追溯,以期实现双向对接,进而揭示出徐霞客旅游思想的产生和发展是历史的必然。本研究希望通过对徐霞客旅游思想的探索,丰富旅游学理论体系,并为旅游实践提供一些参考。
[Abstract]:Xu Xiake lived in the late Ming Dynasty, there appeared a group of tourists who were rare in the previous generation, tourism became a kind of social fashion. Xu Xiake was also affected by this social fashion, and came out of the study to nature. Become a member of the tourist community. Xu Xiake's tourism career in most of his life can be divided into three periods: early sightseeing range Rover period; The rest period of midpoint tour; In these three periods, Xu Xiake's travel direction and regional preference were obviously different. In the middle of the early period, Jiangyin was the center, extending to the north and south, and concentrated in the southeast coastal area. Xu Xiake also formed his own characteristics in the process of tourism: time, more to travel in spring; Geographically, emphasis is placed on the south; Tourism and scientific investigation are closely combined; On the basis of tourism activities, Xu Xiake has formed a variety of tourism thoughts, which mainly include: seeking knowledge and being pragmatic, thrifty and virtuous; Swim to reach the road; After the formation of these tourism thoughts, it has a positive impact on Xu Xiake's travel motivation, travel direction and specific tourism mode. This study is based on the branches of tourism disciplines such as tourism geography, tourism aesthetics, tourism sociology, tourism culturology and so on. The tourism activities and phenomena in ancient Chinese history are summarized and summarized in stages according to the order of historical development, and the representative characteristics of tourism thoughts in each historical period are abstracted. Then the author traces the history of Xu Xiake's tourism thought in order to realize the two-way docking, and then reveals that the emergence and development of Xu Xiake's tourism thought is a historical necessity. It enriches the theoretical system of tourism science and provides some references for tourism practice.


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