本文选题:环境容量 切入点:动态管理 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2015年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The measurement and management of environmental capacity in heritage sites is a research proposition involving many disciplines. The traditional research on environmental capacity is based on static measurement. The optimal value and saturation value of the static capacity of each particular space is obtained. But in reality, the behavior of the tourists, the main body that affects the environmental capacity, is dynamic, and in the linear tourist space of mountain heritage sites, The environmental spatial characteristics of different nodes are diverse, when tourists come together, the pressure of the same size of passenger flow on the different characteristics of the environment space is different. This causes the static measurement of environmental capacity to lose its effectiveness in the management practice. In this paper, a new method of dynamic management of environmental capacity of mountain heritage sites is proposed by introducing the time dimension and following the law of spatial and temporal aggregation of tourist flows, that is, the identification of tourist flow spatio-temporal bayonets, which is a new method for dynamic management of environmental capacity of mountain heritage sites. Taking the world natural and cultural heritage Taishan as an example, the paper analyzes the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of tourism flow by using time-geography method, and identifies the space-time bayonet of tourism flow in the middle of Mount Tai. The Spatio-Temporal bayonet of Taishan Central Road tourism flow mainly distributes in Hongmen, through Shiyu, Zhongtianmen, NanTianmen, Tianjie, Yuhuangding, Rishuanfeng seven space regions, but the time is relatively scattered, in each time appeared the tourist flow space-time bayonet; The whole Taishan Central Road tourist flow space-time bayonet occupies only 5.52% of the total space-time area, but it attracts nearly 50.04% tourists to gather and stay here. Thus, the observation and management of the space-time bayonet, It is the most critical link in the protection and management of mountain heritage sites. Finally, the paper discusses three aspects: regulating individual behavior of tourists, dynamically controlling tourism capacity, and establishing intelligent tourism early warning system. This paper discusses the application prospect of tourist flow spatio-temporal bayonet identification method in environmental capacity management of mountain heritage sites. The concept of tourism flow space-time bayonet and the construction of identification method not only make up for the defects of tourism environmental capacity measurement system in theory. Moreover, in the environmental capacity, resources and tourist safety management system of heritage sites, the key problems such as monitoring of tourism flow, timely early warning and early adjustment have been solved, and the environment in the open state of tourism in heritage sites has been realized. Resources and visitors management security controllable.
【作者单位】: 山东大学文化遗产研究院/管理学院;
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