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发布时间:2018-03-08 02:24

  本文选题:斯洛伐克 切入点:中国 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国和斯洛伐克是传统的友邦,无论在经济还是文化方面都拥有良好的合作传统,虽然在旅游业的合作尚处在萌芽阶段,但是笔者正是因为看到了两国间未来合作的巨大前景,才不远万里来到中国学习旅游。斯洛伐克是一个热爱旅游的民族,自1996年开始每年保持在大约2000万人次的水平。中国在最近20几年中有着突飞猛进的增长,国内发生了翻天覆地的变化,再加上汉文化在全球的风靡,越来越多的人开始向往这个神秘的东方大国。据笔者了解其中2011年有3347人申请旅游签证,2012年有4115人申请旅游签证。申请旅游签证人数比上一年增长了近23%,可以看出越来越多的斯洛伐克也开始将中国作为其出游目的地,尤其是北京和上海更是斯洛伐克游客最青睐的城市。 而中国出境游在进入二十一世纪的10年中也呈现了井喷状增长。2002年到2011年,出境旅游人数由1660万人次增加到7025万人次,增长323%,在世界主要出境旅游国家中增长最快。近十年来,随着中国综合国力的增强,中国公民出境旅游呈快速增长态势,出境旅游尤其是因私出境旅游的快速增长,成为中国综合国力增强、居民生活水平提高、对外开放扩大的最为直接和最为生动的见证。 近年来,前往欧洲、美洲和大洋洲等远程目的地国家的中国游客的增长率高于中近程的周边国家和地区,其中前往欧洲的游客人数占全部远程旅游者人数的59%,这说明远程目的地已经越来越受到中国出境旅游者的青睐。可以预见,随着中国居民可自由支配收入的增加和余暇时间的延长,以及人们对欧洲、美洲和大洋洲等国家了解的加深,远程目的地将会成为最受欢迎的旅游目的地。目前赴欧洲游的主要目的地基本集中在意大利、法国、德国、西班牙、瑞士、荷兰等西欧国家。但中东欧的广袤土地同样拥有优美的自然风光,和淳朴的人民,看惯了浪漫的巴黎和时尚的米兰的游客会越来越多的选择中东欧等更加神秘和古朴的小国作为自己未来远程旅行的目的地。 斯洛伐克是一个拥有丰富自然资源,宝贵人文资源和深厚历史底蕴的国家。而中国更是地大物博、历史底蕴雄厚,随着两国经济的不断增长和双边合作的日益密切,两国在未来旅游业的合作也将大有可为。因此本文将对两国旅游合作的现状、发展、存在的问题以及对未来的展望进行研究和分析,并希望通过斯洛伐克与中国旅游合作发展现状所存在的问题,找出原因所在,从而通过使用SWOT矩阵分析来提出对策建议。 首先,推广两国旅游合作应该从单一的搞旅游日这样的活动到多元化的对两国进行介绍,让两国人民更加了解对方国家。 其次,针对两个国家游客的特点,两国旅行社应该积极合作,制定有特色,定制化的服务和路线。 再次,近年来企业为了奖励和鼓励员工会组织员工出境旅游,因此吸引企业组织员工去对方国家旅游也是个不错的选择。 当然研究尚有许多不足之处,另外由于研究人力和物力的限制,研究结果不能做到尽善尽美,研究过程中也充满了期待与失望,快乐与沮丧,成功与失败,但不管怎样目前为止研究还是成功地告一段落,在这里再次感谢研究过程中各位师长、朋友以及走访对象的支持与理解,笔者未来仍将在深爱的旅游业领域进行更深入的探讨和研究,以求对两国的旅游合作与交流做出更多的贡献。
[Abstract]:Chinese and Slovakia's traditional allies, both in economic and cultural aspects have a good tradition of cooperation, although in the tourism cooperation is still in the embryonic stage, but it is because I see a great future in the future between the two countries to cooperate, it came to China to study tourism make light of travelling a thousand Li. Slovakia is a nation of love to travel, since the beginning of 1996 each year to maintain the level of about 20 million people. China has a rapid growth in the last 20 years, the changes in turn the world upside down domestic, coupled with the Chinese culture in the global popularity, more and more people began to yearn for the mysterious oriental country. According to my understanding in 2011 3347 people apply for tourism in 2012 4115 people apply for a visa, tourist visa. Visa number increased by nearly 23% over the previous year, we can see that more and more Slovakia also began to China is the destination for its travel, especially in Beijing and Shanghai, which is the most popular city for Slovakia tourists.
The China outbound in twenty-first Century 10 years also showed a blowout like growth.2002 years to 2011, the number of outbound tourism from 16 million 600 thousand passengers to 70 million 250 thousand passengers, an increase of 323%, mainly in the world's fastest growing outbound tourism countries. Over the past ten years, with the enhancement of comprehensive national strength Chinese, outbound tourism is Chinese the rapid growth of outbound tourism, especially the rapid growth of private travel abroad, become Chinese comprehensive national strength, people's living standards improve, expand the opening of the most direct and most vivid testimony.
In recent years, in Europe, America and Oceania remote destination country China tourist growth rate is higher than the surrounding countries and regions in proximity to Europe, which accounted for the number of tourists all remote tourists 59%, indicating that the remote destination has been more and more China outbound tourists favor. Can foresee, along with the extended China residents can increase disposable income and leisure time, and the people of Europe, America and Oceania and other countries understand more remote destinations will become the most popular tourist destination. The main purpose is to travel to Europe is concentrated in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, etc. the countries of Western Europe. But the vast land in Eastern Europe also has beautiful natural scenery, and honest people, seeing the romantic and fashionable Paris tourists in Milan will be more and more Choose the more mysterious and unsophisticated small countries in central and Eastern Europe as their destination for their future distance travel.
Slovakia is rich in natural resources, precious cultural resources and profound historical heritage of the country. Chinese is strong historical heritage, vast territory and abundant resources, with the continuous growth of bilateral economic and bilateral cooperation increasingly close cooperation between the two countries in the future tourism industry will have a brilliant future. Therefore this paper will present the development of tourism cooperation between the two countries., the existing problems and the research and analysis of the future, and hope that through the status of cooperation between Slovakia and Chinese tourism development problems, find out the reasons, and by using the SWOT matrix analysis to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions.
First of all, to promote the two countries' tourism cooperation, we should introduce such activities from a single tourism day to a diversified introduction to the two countries, so that the two peoples can get to know each other better.
Secondly, in view of the characteristics of the two national tourists, the travel agencies of the two countries should actively cooperate to formulate special and customized services and routes.
Thirdly, in recent years, in order to encourage and encourage employees to organize outbound tourism, enterprises attract employees to organize their employees to travel to other countries, which is also a good choice.
Of course, there are still many deficiencies in the research, the study of human and physical limitations, the results can not be perfect, the research process is full of expectation and disappointment and frustration, happiness, success and failure, but no matter how far the study has successfully come to an end, thank you again in the course of the study, teachers here. Friends and visited the object support and understanding, the future will remain in the deep love tourism areas for more in-depth study and research, in order to tourism cooperation and exchanges between the two countries to make more contributions.



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