发布时间:2018-04-26 21:12
本文选题:陶瓷 + 文人画 ; 参考:《齐齐哈尔大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:文人画是一种综合性艺术,集文学、书法、绘画及篆刻艺术为一体,是画家多方面文化素养的集中体现。文人画讲求笔墨情趣,略脱形式,强调神韵,重文学修养,在意境的表达、水墨写意的技法发展等方面对后代有极大影响。文人画的发展历程,是从唐代开始萌芽,到宋代发展起来,由苏轼首先提出士人画,到明朝董其昌才正式提出文人画。其发展主要是诗、书、画、印相互融合,对文人画产生直接影响。自文人画产生,就对中国唐代以后瓷器产生了深远的影响,尤其是宋代“崇文”的社会风尚时期的宋瓷,把中国画与瓷器紧密结合起来,形成了特有的“瓷器时代”。在文人画空前繁盛的元、明两代,青花作为这段时期的主要瓷器品种,又将中国的水墨技法融合进瓷器的装饰图案之中,这无疑又使文人画在瓷器的发展中增加了精彩的一笔。在晚清时期,,文人画的追求意蕴、笔法用墨又一次融入了带有晚清特色的浅绛彩瓷的制作当中,使文人画的“文人”气息彰显出来。 目前国内外对于文人画和瓷器的研究仅限于各自的领域,将这两个领域结合起来研究的少之又少,那么文人画在这些瓷器中出现的原因,文人画在瓷器中的出现的方式,再有瓷器对文人画的反作用。这些都该是我们探讨和研究的。本文通过对瓷器的梳理以及文人画对瓷器在各朝代的表现进行系统的收集与分类,阐述瓷器上的文人画的表现及文人画对唐代以后瓷器发展的影响,使我们更好地继承和发扬我国优秀的传统文化,促进当代的瓷器发展。
[Abstract]:Literati painting is a comprehensive art, which integrates literature, calligraphy, painting and seal cutting art. Literati painting stresses the interest of ink and pen, slightly out of form, emphasizing charm, emphasizing literary accomplishment, and has great influence on the future generations in the expression of artistic conception and the development of the techniques of brushwork. The development course of literati painting was from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty to the development of the Song Dynasty. Su Shi first put forward the scholar painting, then Dong Qichang formally proposed the literati painting in the Ming Dynasty. Its development is mainly poetry, books, paintings, printing fusion, the literati painting has a direct impact. Since the literati painting came into being, it has had a profound influence on the porcelain after the Tang Dynasty, especially the Song porcelain in the social fashion of "worshipping" in the Song Dynasty, which closely combined Chinese painting with porcelain and formed a unique "porcelain age". In Yuan, where literati painting is unprecedented, and in Ming Dynasty, the blue and white flowers, as the main porcelain varieties of this period, merged the Chinese ink and wash techniques into the decorative patterns of porcelain, which undoubtedly made the literati painting add a wonderful stroke in the development of porcelain. In the late Qing Dynasty, the pursuit implication of the literati painting, the brush and ink once again merged into the making of the light crimson porcelain with the characteristics of the late Qing Dynasty, so that the "literati" breath of the literati painting was revealed. At present, the research on literati painting and porcelain at home and abroad is limited to their respective fields, and the combination of these two fields is very rare. Then, the reasons why literati paintings appear in these porcelain, the ways in which literati paintings appear in porcelain, Then there is the reaction of porcelain to literati paintings. All these should be discussed and studied by us. By combing the porcelain and systematically collecting and classifying the performance of the literati painting in each dynasty, this paper expounds the expression of the literati painting on the porcelain and the influence of the literati painting on the development of the porcelain after the Tang Dynasty. So that we better inherit and carry forward our excellent traditional culture, promote the development of contemporary porcelain.
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