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发布时间:2018-06-09 23:53

  本文选题:旅游立法 + 地方旅游业立法 ; 参考:《贵州财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:旅游立法是国家政权为了实现旅游发展的目的,根据旅游业发展的社会经济条件和旅游业发展的具体情况,所制定的一系列法律法规、措施和办法,是旅游业法制性政策的一脉分支。进入21世纪以来,我国旅游业发展不断与国际旅游业发展接轨,为了规范、引导、保障旅游业健康稳定发展,以法律手段和措施来保障和促进旅游业健康发展,是符合当今我国要求促进经济发展与法治社会建设的现状。完善的旅游业法制体系是“依法治旅”的前提和保障,然而我国目前旅游业立法相对落后,国家旅游基本法依然缺失。在此背景下,各个地方政府纷纷出台地方旅游业立法。相对于国家旅游业立法,地方旅游立法体系日趋完善,虽然仍有不足,,但是对我国地方旅游业发展有着不可小觑的积极影响。但是与我国旅游业高速发展的实情相比,无论是国家旅游业立法,还是地方旅游业立法都明显滞后,已成为影响我国旅游业发展的一个制约因素,因此加快我国国家层面旅游业立法,完善地方旅游业立法是我国发展旅游业的当务之急。 之前关于地方旅游业立法相关方面的研究,主要集中在对各个地方综合性旅游法规的名称、颁布时间、修改次数等内容进行对比,对比内容简单,对促进我国地方旅游业立法体系建设发展意义不大。本文通过选取具有代表意义的案例区域,进行时间顺序上的横向对比与区位层面上的纵向对比,从地方旅游业立法发展历程与不同区域地方旅游业立法体系建设的差异性出发,着重研究我国目前地方旅游业立法方面存在的不足,针对立法滞后、内容不完善等不足进行原因分析,进而尝试提出完善地方旅游业立法的建议与措施。 本文共分五个章节:第一章是我国旅游业立法研究综述,包括两节,第一节概括了我国旅游业的立法现状、立法基本体系以及存在问题;第二节主要概括我国地方旅游业立法现状、立法基本体系以及存在问题。第二章主要为理论基本部分,包括两节,第一节阐述制度变迁理论基础;第二节详细讲述我国旅游业管理体制变迁历程。第三章选取我国东、中、西部地区具有代表意义的省级行政单位为例,对三个地区旅游业的发展历程、现行旅游业立法体系内容进行详细比较分析。第四章在第三章的基础上,提出我国地方旅游业立法存在的不足与问题,包括两节,第一节为我国地方旅游业立法存在的问题;第二节为我国地方旅游业立法滞后的原因分析。第五章在前几章的基础上对未来地方旅游业立法进行展望,从立法理念和立法内容两个方面提出完善我国地方旅游业立法体系建设的措施和建议。
[Abstract]:Tourism legislation is a series of laws, regulations, measures and measures formulated by the state power in order to realize the purpose of tourism development, according to the social and economic conditions of tourism development and the specific conditions of tourism development. It is a branch of tourism legal policy. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the development of tourism in China has been in line with the development of international tourism. In order to standardize, guide and ensure the healthy and stable development of tourism, legal means and measures are adopted to ensure and promote the healthy development of tourism. Is in line with the requirements of our country to promote economic development and social construction of the rule of law. The perfect legal system of tourism is the premise and guarantee of governing tourism according to law. However, the legislation of tourism in China is relatively backward at present, and the basic law of national tourism is still lacking. In this context, local governments have introduced local tourism legislation. Compared with the national tourism legislation, the local tourism legislation system is becoming more and more perfect, although there are still some deficiencies, but it has a positive impact on the development of local tourism in China. However, compared with the fact that China's tourism industry is developing at a high speed, both national tourism legislation and local tourism legislation are obviously lagging behind, which has become a restrictive factor affecting the development of tourism in China. Therefore, speeding up the tourism legislation at the national level and perfecting the local tourism legislation is an urgent task for the development of tourism in China. This paper mainly focuses on the comparison of the names, time of promulgation and times of revision of the comprehensive tourism laws and regulations in various localities. The comparison is simple and of little significance to the development of the legislative system of local tourism in China. By selecting the case regions with representative significance, this paper carries on the horizontal contrast in time sequence and the vertical contrast in location level, starting from the difference between the development course of local tourism legislation and the construction of local tourism legislation system in different regions. Focusing on the local tourism legislation in China's current deficiencies, in view of the legislative lag, the content is not perfect and other deficiencies of the analysis of the reasons, This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is a summary of the study of tourism legislation in China, including two sections, the first section summarizes the current situation of our country's tourism legislation. The second section summarizes the current situation of local tourism legislation, the basic legislative system and the existing problems. The second chapter is the basic part of the theory, including two sections, the first section describes the theoretical basis of institutional change, the second section details the process of the change of tourism management system in China. The third chapter selects the representative provincial administrative units in the east, middle and west of our country as an example, and makes a detailed comparative analysis of the development of tourism in the three regions and the content of the current tourism legislation system. On the basis of the third chapter, the fourth chapter puts forward the shortcomings and problems of the local tourism legislation in China, including two sections, the first section is the problems of the local tourism legislation in China, the second section is the analysis of the reasons why the local tourism legislation of our country lags behind. The fifth chapter looks forward to the legislation of local tourism in the future on the basis of the previous chapters, and puts forward some measures and suggestions to perfect the legislative system of local tourism in China from two aspects: the legislative idea and the legislative content.


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