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发布时间:2018-06-10 01:28

  本文选题: + 宋代 ; 参考:《景德镇陶瓷学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:禅宗源于古代印度佛教,最初成为一种外来文化传入到中国,唐宋之际,禅宗吸收儒、道思想融会贯通,最终完成了它的中国化道路,并从此广泛深入到中国哲学、道德、教育、史学、文学等各个方面。并成为中国历史文化的主要内容之一。宋代禅宗兴起之时,香文化也到达了繁盛时期,香文化的发展则进一步带动了香器具的发展,几乎同一时期,中国的陶瓷文化在勤劳智慧的劳动人民的努力下也迅速崛起,给香器具的设计和生产带来了深远的影响。而宋代的陶瓷香炉作为香器具之一,以其独特的文化价值,成为当时代表新文化的典型器物,具有很高的艺术欣赏价值。 首先宋代陶瓷香炉文化作为宋代艺术文化的一个小的分支,,它的产生和发展是在整个大时代的背景下发生的,也受到了禅宗的影响。唐末五代的灭佛运动,使禅宗成为宋朝最重要的佛教宗派,另外,在宋朝提倡文教的社会环境之下,禅宗思想与文人化风气互相影响,士大夫则在禅宗中吸取新的养分,进而形成浓烈的禅学氛围。而陶瓷香炉文化则在浓烈的禅学氛围带动下,吸收了禅宗思想形成了新的审美取向。最后本文通过搜集大量的图片例证分析宋代陶瓷香炉的莲花装饰、青色釉饰以及仿生装饰。通过对清远和高洁的“莲花”、纯净空灵的“青色”以及秀丽可爱的动物和禅宗要素契合的分析,进一步明确禅对宋代陶瓷香炉文化起到了推进性的影响。
[Abstract]:Zen originated from ancient Indian Buddhism and was introduced into China as a kind of foreign culture at first. At the time of Tang and Song dynasties, Zen absorbed Confucianism and Taoist thoughts, and finally completed its Chinese way, and from then on it went deep into Chinese philosophy and morality. Education, history, literature and other aspects. And become one of the main contents of Chinese history and culture. At the time of the rise of Zen Buddhism in the Song Dynasty, the incense culture also reached a prosperous period, and the development of the incense culture further promoted the development of incense utensils. Almost at the same time, the ceramic culture of China also rose rapidly with the efforts of the industrious and intelligent laboring people. To the design and production of incense utensils have a profound impact. As one of the fragrant utensils, the ceramic censer of the Song Dynasty, with its unique cultural value, became a typical object representing the new culture at that time. First of all, as a small branch of Song Dynasty art culture, its emergence and development took place under the background of the whole era, and was also influenced by Zen Buddhism. In the end of the Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties, the Buddhism elimination movement made the Zen sect the most important Buddhist sect in the Song Dynasty. In addition, under the social environment of advocating the culture and education in the Song Dynasty, the Zen thought and the ethos of literati influenced each other, while the literati and officials absorbed the new nutrients in the Zen sect. And then form a strong Zen atmosphere. The ceramic censer culture, driven by the strong Zen atmosphere, absorbed the Zen thought and formed a new aesthetic orientation. Finally, this paper analyzes the lotus decoration, green glaze decoration and bionic decoration of ceramic censer in Song Dynasty by collecting a lot of pictures. Through the analysis of Qingyuan and Gao Jie's lotus flower, pure and empty green color, and the combination of beautiful and lovely animals and Zen elements, it is further clear that Zen had a propelling influence on the ceramic incense furnace culture of Song Dynasty.


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