本文选题:红绿彩 + 色彩 ; 参考:《景德镇陶瓷学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:万千世界,色彩斑斓,百花齐放,争相斗艳。红绿彩凭借其特有的色彩魅力和文化价值,在中国彩绘陶瓷发展中独树一帜、承前启后、劳苦功高。而随着时间的流逝,岁月的更迭,,红绿彩在中国陶瓷史中愈发显得弥足珍贵。 关于红绿彩的研究资料,为数不多,因历史文献记载甚少,以往的研究多为考古分析或纹饰、造型,属普遍研究范畴,关于其色彩领域的研究基本没有涉及。因而本文是从红绿彩的溯源、发展及色彩的审美特征、文化内涵、工艺特性、传承创新的视角,对红绿彩色彩的文化价值和艺术价值做出系统性的描述和理论性的总结。从而对红绿彩色彩研究有了进一步的深入和提升,进而对探索中国传统陶瓷文化有了新的角度。 对红绿彩色彩的研究上升到文化和历史的高度,这意味着发展和创新,传承与创新的探索是艺术自身发展的潜动力。红绿彩之色彩,作为一种艺术载体,不仅承载了艺术本身,并且承载了艺术背后所蕴藏的政治文化、历史背景、宗教信仰、民俗民风等。艳媚而不浮躁,热烈而又含蓄,红绿相间、冷暖相对、动静相映的红绿彩,是对传统的承载,亦是对传统的创新。
[Abstract]:Thousands of the world, colorful, blooming, competing to fight Yan. With its unique color charm and cultural value, red and green colors are unique in the development of Chinese painted ceramics. With the passage of time and the change of years, red and green color in the history of Chinese ceramics more and more precious. There are few research materials about red and green color, because the historical literature is very few, the previous research is mostly archaeological analysis or decoration, modeling, belongs to the general research category, the research on its color field is basically not involved. Therefore this article is from the origin, the development and the color esthetic characteristic, the cultural connotation, the craft characteristic, inherits the innovation angle of view, makes the systematic description and the theory summary to the red green color cultural value and the artistic value. Thus, the research of red and green color has been further deepened and promoted, and a new angle has been taken to explore Chinese traditional ceramic culture. The study of red and green color rises to the height of culture and history, which means that the development and innovation, inheritance and innovation of exploration are the potential driving force of the development of art itself. The color of red and green color, as an artistic carrier, not only carries the art itself, but also bears the political culture, historical background, religious belief, folk customs and so on. Beautiful and not impetuous, warm and implicit, red and green, warm and cold relative, the red and green color, is the traditional bearing, but also to the traditional innovation.
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