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发布时间:2018-06-20 23:11

  本文选题:鄂西地区 + 生态体育旅游资源 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平不断提高,人们不在满足于走马观花式的旅游活动,在旅游中参与一些体育活动来满足身体和心理的需要已成为现代人们旅游的主要目的。而生态体育旅游作为一种新型的旅游方式越来越受到人们的青睐,其在社会经济发展中的地位和作用越来越显著。鄂西地区拥有独特的自然生态环境和深厚的历史文化底蕴,抓住构建“鄂西生态文化旅游圈”这个千载难逢的机遇,将体育、旅游、生态环境、文化等要素有机地融为一体,凭借鄂西地区独特的地理位置和丰富多彩的生态体育资源,将鄂西地区打造成为生态、文化、旅游和经济社会整体协调发展的“国家典范”,具有十分重要的理论意义与现实意义。 本论文以鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源的开发与管理为研究对象,运用实地考察法、问卷调查法、专家访谈、数理统计法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,对现阶段鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源进行调研和分析,并对生态体育旅游体育资源概况、开发与管理现状进行SWOT分析,针对鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源的开发模式与管理组织形式进行构建。得出结论如下: 1生态体育旅游是以参加或观赏各类健身娱乐、体育竞技、体育交流等为主要目的,以生态环境和自然环境为取向所开展的一种既能获得体育效益和经济效益,又能实现生态效益和社会效益的体育旅游活动。 2生态体育旅游资源是指在人与自然,人与社会,人与人和谐共存的前提下,一切能对体育旅游者产生吸引力,并能产生经济、社会、生态效应的所有自然界和人类社会中的各种事物和因素的总和。 3鄂西地区在自然条件、生态环境、历史文化等方面具有一定优势,现阶段鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源开发还不具规模,在体制机制、开发水平、资金方面存在一系列问题。同时还面临着全国乃至全世界其他地区生态体育旅游的竞争与挑战,说明鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源的开发管理面临着机遇与挑战并存,希望与困难同在。 4鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源应由政府和企业合作开发。遵循“双核三区四带六轴”的总体空间开发格局,以“专项性”的资源开发模式和“旅游加体育”产业开发模式进行开发。将宜昌建设成以长江三峡风光为主的生态体育旅游区,将十堰建设成观光体验生态体育旅游区,将神农架建设成森林探险生态体育旅游区,将荆州、荆门和襄阳建设成楚文化三国文化生态体育旅游区,将随州建设成炎帝神农故里生态体育旅游区、将恩施建设成少数民俗生态体育旅游区。 5鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源管理体系中的管理主体应包括,政府、旅游者、当地社区以及生态体育旅游的经销商和开发商。 6构建“生态体育旅游资源管理机构、生态体育旅游资源管理专家、生态体育旅游资源投资运作公司”于一体的组织形式来对鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源进行科学有效的管理。 7对鄂西地区生态体育旅游资源的管理主要从“生态体育旅游资源自身,景区从业人员、生态体育旅游企业、以及生态体育旅游资源分类等方面进行管理。 8从制定远景规划入手,,本着深度挖掘、突出特色,打造品牌的原则,制定了融资与资源整合,创新体制、机制等一系列措施,对鄂西地区生态体育旅游开发水平与管理水平具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of the social economy and the improvement of the people's living standard, people are not satisfied with the tourist activities of walking horses, and taking part in some sports to meet the needs of the body and psychology has become the main purpose of modern people's tourism. It has become more and more prominent in the social and economic development. West Hubei Province has a unique natural ecological environment and profound historical and cultural background, seize the construction of "western Hubei ecological cultural tourism circle" this unprecedented opportunity, the organic integration of sports, tourism, ecological environment, culture and other elements, By virtue of the unique geographical location and rich and colorful western Hubei ecological sports resources, the West Hubei region to build an ecological, cultural, tourism and the overall coordination of economic and social development of the "national model", it has very important theoretical significance and practical significance.
This paper, taking the development and management of ecological sports tourism resources in Western Hubei Province as the research object, uses field investigation method, questionnaire survey method, expert interview, mathematical statistics method and logical induction method to investigate and analyze the ecological sports tourism resources in Western Hubei Province, and the general situation of ecological sports tourism sports resources. Based on the SWOT analysis of the current situation of management and development, the development mode and management organization form of eco sports tourism resources in Western Hubei are constructed.
1 ecological sports tourism is a kind of physical education tourism which can not only obtain sports benefit and economic benefit, but also realize ecological and social benefits by taking part in or watching all kinds of fitness and entertainment, sports athletics and sports exchange as the main purpose, and taking ecological environment and natural environment as the orientation.
2 ecological sports tourism resources refer to all kinds of things and factors in all nature and human society that can produce attraction to sports tourists and produce economic, social and ecological effects on the premise of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, man and society, and man and man.
3 Western Hubei Province has some advantages in natural conditions, ecological environment, historical culture and other aspects. The development of ecological sports tourism resources in Western Hubei area is not yet a scale, and there are a series of problems in the system mechanism, development level and funds. Meanwhile, it also faces the competition and challenge of the ecological sports tourism in the whole country and in other parts of the world. It shows that the development and management of eco sports tourism resources in Western Hubei is faced with opportunities and challenges.
4 the ecological sports tourism resources in the west of Hubei Province should be developed by the government and enterprises. Following the overall spatial development pattern of "dual core and three districts, four belts and six axes", the development mode of "special" resource development model and "tourism plus sports" industry development mode are carried out. Yichang is constructed into an ecological sports tourism area with the main Three Gorges scenery of Changjiang River, Shiyan is constructed into a sightseeing experience ecological sports tourism area, Shennongjia is constructed into a forest exploration ecological sports tourism area, Jingzhou, Jingmen and Xiangyang are constructed into the Three Kingdoms Cultural and ecological sports tourism areas of Chu culture, and Suizhou is constructed into the ecological sports tourism area of Yan Di Shennong's hometown, and Enshi is constructed into a minority folk ecological sports tourism area.
The ecological sports tourism resources management system of the 5 West Hubei in the management subject should include government, tourists, local communities and ecological sports tourism dealers and developers.
6 the construction of "ecological sports tourism resources management mechanism, ecological sports tourism resource management experts, ecological sports tourism resourceinvestment company" in one of the forms of organization to carry out scientific and effective management of eco sports tourism resources in Western Hubei.
7 of West Hubei eco sports tourism resources management mainly from the "ecological sports tourism resources, scenic staff, ecological sports tourism enterprises, management and ecological sports tourism resources classification and so on.
8 starting with the planning of vision, in line with the principle of deep excavation, outstanding characteristics and brand building, a series of measures have been made to integrate financing and resources, innovation system and mechanism, which have a certain reference value to the development level and management level of ecological sports tourism in Western Hubei.


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