本文选题:城市更新 + 城市旅游景观 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:21世纪是“城市的世纪”,城市成为人们关注的热点话题。对城市发展研究的本身既包含了对城市发展模式的回顾与总结,,同时也包含了对城市发展未来的设计与追求。城市更新与城市发展相伴而随,往往作为城市自我调节机制存在于城市发展之中。城市是旅游的核心载体,是旅游业发展的主体,包括城市更新在内的城市发展所带来的效应必然会在城市旅游中有所反映,而其所带来的问题也必定会在城市旅游中有所体现。从这个视角上看,作为中国城市更新与城市旅游发展的典型代表,上海具有研究城市更新对城市旅游景观影响这个课题的天然优势。对其的研究不仅对于中国的城市以及城市旅游的发展有着重要的意义,也赋予其城市更新与城市旅游发展的本土化特色与全球化内涵。 本研究的核心目的旨在探讨城市更新对城市旅游景观的影响,并通过以上海为研究案例,以期为上海城市更新的发展以及城市旅游景观的优化提供理论指导。全文共五章,主要分为绪论、理论准备、案例分析和研究结论四个部分: 第一部分是绪论,包括第一章的内容,这一部分以城市更新与城市旅游的现实发展为背景,提出了城市更新对上海城市旅游景观的影响这一核心论点,主要介绍了文章的研究缘起、研究思路、研究方法、研究意义。 第二部分是理论准备(第二、三章),这一部分以国内外城市更新与城市旅游的研究进展为基础,对文章的三个核心概念——“城市更新”、“城市旅游景观系统”、和“城市旅游景观嬗变”进行了解读与界定,将论文的研究区域界定为“黄浦区”、“静安区”、“徐汇区”以及“浦东新区”四个中心城区。在总结国内外学者已有研究的基础之上,对城市更新的方式以及城市旅游景观系统进行了归纳细分,将城市更新方式划分为更新保护与更新破坏,将城市旅游景观系统细分为核心层与外围层,指出了城市更新对城市旅游景观嬗变的四个主要影响因素——城市的发展定位、政府的角色、旅游者的需求以及重大事件的机遇,从宏观与微观两个层面,构建一个城市更新对城市旅游景观系统的三维影响框架,分别从功能维度、时间维度和空间维度三个不同的维度对这一过程进行分析。 第三部分为案例分析部分(第四章),这一部分首先系统回顾了上海市城市更新的发展历程,将上海市城市更新历史进程分为解放前“十里洋场”时期;停滞时期和复苏时期三个阶段,指出三个阶段的运作机制分别为“殖民宗主国主导;政府主导;政府主导转向政府、市场和社区三方协同”,结合上海市城市更新发展的实际历史资料,采用区域科学理论,论述了上海市城市更新空间结构演变模式,指出城市多中心发展模式初步形成;上海市城市更新空间结构在同心圆演变的基础上呈轴向扩散。参照建构的理论分析框架,分别从宏观和微观两个层面上对城市更新对上海城市旅游景观嬗变的影响进行了分析,宏观上指出了这一过程发展存在着景观断裂带以及各区域相互独立,关联性有待进一步加强两个问题,建议其城市更新要转换思维,丰富旅游业态;规划优先,加强区域联动;严格保护,保存集体记忆。微观上以外滩历史风貌保护区为例,指出了其更新过程中存在着定位高端、缺乏亲和性;纵深发展不足两个问题,在此基础上建议在日后更新过程中要科学定位,增加大众旅游项目;树立大景区观念,丰富景观内涵;严格论证,合理开发周边环境。 第四部分为研究结论部分(第五章),通过前四章理论准备与案例分析,对城市更新对城市旅游景观嬗变的影响得出基本结论,并指出了研究局限和进一步研究方向。
[Abstract]:The twenty-first Century is the "century of the city", and the city has become a hot topic of concern. The study of urban development itself includes a review and summary of the urban development model, and it also includes the design and pursuit of the future of the urban development. Urban development. City is the core carrier of tourism and the main body of tourism development. The effect of urban development, including urban renewal, will inevitably reflect in urban tourism, and the problems it brings will also be reflected in urban tourism. From this perspective, as a city renewal and city in China The typical representative of tourism development, Shanghai has the natural advantage of studying the impact of urban renewal on urban tourism landscape. Research on it is of great significance not only to the development of Chinese cities and urban tourism, but also to the localization and globalization of urban renewal and urban tourism development.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of urban renewal on urban tourism landscape, and through taking Shanghai as a case study to provide theoretical guidance for the development of urban renewal and the optimization of urban tourism landscape in Shanghai. The full text is divided into five chapters, which are divided into four parts: Introduction, theoretical preparation, case analysis and research conclusions.
The first part is the introduction, including the content of the first chapter. This part, with the background of urban renewal and the real development of urban tourism, puts forward the core argument of the influence of urban renewal on the urban tourism landscape of Shanghai. It mainly introduces the origin of the research, research ideas, research methods and research significance.
The second part is the theoretical preparation (second, third chapter). This part is based on the research progress of urban renewal and urban tourism at home and abroad, and the three core concepts of the article, "urban renewal", "urban tourism landscape system", and "urban tourism landscape evolution", have been interpreted and defined, and the research area of the paper is defined as " Huangpu District "," Jingan District "," Xuhui District "and" Pudong New Area "are four central districts. On the basis of summarizing the scholars at home and abroad, the methods of urban renewal and the urban tourism landscape system are divided and subdivided, and the urban renewal mode is divided into renewal protection and renewal destruction, and the urban tourism landscape system is set up. The system is divided into the core layer and the outer layer, and points out the four main influencing factors of urban renewal on the urban tourism landscape, the development orientation of the city, the role of the government, the needs of the tourists and the opportunity of the major events, and build a three-dimensional influence frame of urban renewal on the urban tourism landscape system from the macro and micro two levels. This process is analyzed from three dimensions: functional dimension, time dimension and spatial dimension.
The third part is the case analysis part (fourth chapter). This part first systematically reviews the development process of urban renewal in Shanghai, and divides the historical process of urban renewal in Shanghai into the period of "ten li field" before liberation, and three stages of stagnation and recovery period, pointing out that the operation mechanism of the three stages is "dominated by colonial master country", respectively. The government led, the government led to the government, the three parties in the market and the community synergy, combined with the actual historical data of the urban renewal and development of Shanghai City, using the regional scientific theory, discussed the urban renewal spatial structure evolution model of Shanghai City, pointed out that the urban multi center development model was formed at the beginning, and the urban renewal space structure of Shanghai city was concentric The circular evolution is based on the axial diffusion. Based on the theoretical analysis framework, the influence of urban renewal on the evolution of urban tourism landscape in Shanghai is analyzed from two levels of macro and micro. Strong two problems, suggest that the urban renewal should change thinking, enrich the tourism format, plan priority, strengthen regional linkage, strictly protect and preserve collective memory. On the microcosmic basis, the Bund historical style and appearance protection area is taken as an example to point out that there are two problems, such as high end positioning and lack of affinity in the process of renewal, and on the basis of the lack of deep development. It is suggested that it should be scientifically positioned in the process of renewal in the future, to increase the mass tourism project, to set up the concept of the scenic area, to enrich the connotation of the landscape, and to rationally develop the surrounding environment.
The fourth part is the part of the research conclusion (fifth chapter). Through the theoretical preparation and case analysis in the first four chapters, the basic conclusions are drawn on the influence of urban renewal on the evolution of urban tourism landscape, and the research limitations and further research directions are pointed out.
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