发布时间:2018-07-28 11:49
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,加之国家鼓励带薪休假制度等多项政策出台,人们的消费观念有所改变,更加注重生活质量和生活品位,从原居住的城市到国内其他城市出行旅游,再到出国出境旅游,享受国家经济发展带来实质利益。旅游的方式也从单一的观光式旅游向娱乐、休闲及度假方式的转变。 海南省建立博鳌国家休闲旅游度假区后,旅游地产开发建设日渐规模2010年国家出台了《关于推进海南国际旅游岛建设发展的若干意见》,使整个海南岛地产建设继1997年地产泡沫后迎来新一轮的热潮。三亚丰富的旅游资源和区位优势,在建设国际旅游岛利好政策的背景下,也以其特色及多样式发展引领整个海南地产业发展,但是在这蓬勃发展的背后出现了许多值得我们关注的问题:如发展动力不足,结构不合理,环境问题突显,政策制约等都直接影响三亚旅游地产的可持续发展。本文主要通过对三亚旅游地产业的总量规模,类型分布等现状分析,进一步探讨可能制约三亚旅游地产业可持续发展的动力、资源、环境、市场、政策等因素,提出一些具有针对性的对策,从而有效的促进三亚旅游地产业优化配置,对合理开发三亚旅游地产,促使其健康、可持续发展具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the continuous improvement of people's living standards, and the introduction of many policies such as the state's system of encouraging paid leave, people's consumption concept has changed, and more attention has been paid to the quality of life and quality of life. Traveling from the original city to other cities in China, and then going abroad to enjoy the national economic development bring substantial benefits. The mode of travel has also changed from a single sightseeing tour to entertainment, leisure and vacation. After the establishment of the Boao National Leisure Tourism Resort in Hainan Province, The development and construction of tourism real estate is increasing in scale. In 2010, the state issued some opinions on promoting the construction and development of Hainan International Tourism Island, which made the real estate construction of Hainan Island usher in a new round of upsurge after the real estate bubble in 1997. Sanya is rich in tourism resources and regional advantages. Under the background of the favorable policy of building an international tourism island, Sanya also leads the development of Hainan's real estate industry with its characteristics and diversified development. However, behind the vigorous development, there are many problems that deserve our attention: such as insufficient power of development, unreasonable structure, prominent environmental problems and policy constraints, all of which directly affect the sustainable development of tourism real estate in Sanya. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the total scale and type distribution of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya, this paper further discusses the driving force, resources, environment, market, policy and other factors that may restrict the sustainable development of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya. Some targeted countermeasures are put forward to effectively promote the optimal allocation of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya, which has certain theoretical value and practical significance for the rational development of the tourism real estate in Sanya, promoting its health and sustainable development.
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the continuous improvement of people's living standards, and the introduction of many policies such as the state's system of encouraging paid leave, people's consumption concept has changed, and more attention has been paid to the quality of life and quality of life. Traveling from the original city to other cities in China, and then going abroad to enjoy the national economic development bring substantial benefits. The mode of travel has also changed from a single sightseeing tour to entertainment, leisure and vacation. After the establishment of the Boao National Leisure Tourism Resort in Hainan Province, The development and construction of tourism real estate is increasing in scale. In 2010, the state issued some opinions on promoting the construction and development of Hainan International Tourism Island, which made the real estate construction of Hainan Island usher in a new round of upsurge after the real estate bubble in 1997. Sanya is rich in tourism resources and regional advantages. Under the background of the favorable policy of building an international tourism island, Sanya also leads the development of Hainan's real estate industry with its characteristics and diversified development. However, behind the vigorous development, there are many problems that deserve our attention: such as insufficient power of development, unreasonable structure, prominent environmental problems and policy constraints, all of which directly affect the sustainable development of tourism real estate in Sanya. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the total scale and type distribution of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya, this paper further discusses the driving force, resources, environment, market, policy and other factors that may restrict the sustainable development of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya. Some targeted countermeasures are put forward to effectively promote the optimal allocation of the tourism real estate industry in Sanya, which has certain theoretical value and practical significance for the rational development of the tourism real estate in Sanya, promoting its health and sustainable development.
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