[Abstract]:Underglazed multicolored porcelain is a great invention in the history of Chinese ceramics. Its unique form of expression and fresh and elegant artistic style is unique in the Chinese porcelain world and is one of the most important ceramics in modern times. The article mainly focuses on five aspects: the origin of underglazed multicolored porcelain, the artistic nature closest to the artistic effect of Chinese painting, the decisive factors of craftsmanship, the understanding of value and the prospect of development. In particular, the point of view that the underglaze multicolor is closest to Chinese painting is summarized in detail, and its causes are analyzed from many angles of view. The artistry of underglazed multicolored porcelain is closely related to the aesthetic function of Chinese painting, and its craftsmanship maintains its own unique material beauty. In line with the development needs of the times, there is a higher value. In the challenge of the five colors under the glaze, the innovative thought of the five colors under the glaze is highlighted. The innovation should keep pace with the times, give priority to reflecting the life content of the times, and truly achieve the life of art and the artistry of life. Make this wonderful flower of underglaze multicolored ceramic art get life forever blooming.
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