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发布时间:2018-08-16 16:21
[Abstract]:Under the current fierce social competition, people generally feel that the pace of life is fast and the pressure of work is great. They often look forward to relieving pressure, seeking comfort, balancing body and mind through traveling. Seeking cure has gradually become one of the important motivations for people to travel. By means of literature study, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, content analysis and other methods, the author explores the characteristics of tourism behavior of curing system and finds out the existence of "curing" as a tourism motivation. On this basis, it provides theoretical support and practical reference for tourism product design, tourism supervision services and individual tourism experience satisfaction promotion. The full text is divided into six parts. The first part is an introduction, the second part is a literature review, the third to the fifth part is an empirical study, and the last part is a conclusion. The second part is the literature review and the definition of the concept, combing the relationship between the cure and the cure system, the origin, the needs of the times, the cultural roots and so on. In the definition part, the basic concepts, main characteristics and typical curing tourism behavior are defined and described from the broad and narrow perspectives respectively, and the typical curing tourism behavior is pointed out. In the third part to the fifth part, three methods are used to carry out empirical research. The third part is the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey, using quantitative analysis method, randomly selected research objects, found that "cure system" The study finds that the majority of the respondents have the following characteristics: the majority of the people who have carried out the healing tourism behavior, indicating that the existence of this phenomenon has objective reality; the demand for emotional healing is the most exuberant. The motivation of curing travel behavior is mostly emotional healing; the respondents have a higher recognition of the curing effect of curing travel, and the existence of curing travel behavior is reasonable; the people with strong willingness to travel in curing travel account for a higher proportion; the current demand for curing travel is strong, but the public on media curing travel destination publicity. The fourth part is a case study of in-depth interviews. It is found that the reasons for the respondents'healing travel behavior are usually triggered by specific events, and there are differences in the degree of recognition of the healing travel concept, preference for destination selection, preference for travel partners, ritual healing behavior, and evaluation of the healing effect. The fifth part is the content analysis of network pictures and texts. It is found that media propaganda and film and television works play a guiding role in the healing of tourists, and there is over-exaggerated phenomenon in the healing effect. The expression of tourism behavior in the healing of tourists'network sharing posts also reflects a strong cure. The sixth part is the conclusion, which summarizes four basic viewpoints. First, the existence of curing tourism behavior is realistic and reasonable. Second, the curing tourism behavior is defined from the broad and narrow sense, and pointed out that the narrow sense of curing tourism behavior has "event trigger, tourists do not avoid it." When it comes to healing appeal, tourists have a preference for tourism destination selection, and relatively many of them are single traveling, special ritualistic behaviors are carried out in the process of traveling, and the healing effects and self-tourism evaluation are diversified. Potential cures should be treated objectively by tourists, while propagandists should pay attention to the relationship between expectations and satisfaction. Fourthly, the cures of tourists appeal for diversification, customization and individualization of tourism products. Tourism regulatory departments should pay more attention to the service of individual tourists. The conclusion also reflects on the shortcomings of the article and looks forward to the next research direction.


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