[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of development, the cause of scenic spots in China has made great contributions in protecting the ecological environment, displaying traditional culture, enriching people's life and promoting sustained economic growth. However, with the rapid development of scenic spots, the problems of the development of Jingzhong Village are also gradually highlighted. On the one hand, the number of Scenic Village in the scenic area is more, on the other hand, the management of Scenic Village is relatively confused. In this situation, the protection of scenic spots and the development of Scenic Village contradictions are inevitable. The existence of these contradictions has greatly threatened the sustainable development of scenic spots. Therefore, it is urgent to solve all kinds of problems in the development of Jingzhong Village. Taking Anji Tianhuangping scenic spot as a case, this paper explores the development problems and planning strategies of Jingzhong Village. Firstly, the paper introduces the natural conditions, social and economic conditions, the development process of scenic spots and so on. Then it collects a large number of data related to the development of Jingzhong Village by using the method of sociological investigation, including: social and economic data of each village, interview records of various kinds, questionnaire of villagers, and so on, and carries on the classification analysis to the data, from the industrial economy, The problems encountered in the development of Jingzhong Village are summarized in the aspects of planning and construction, management mechanism and environmental resources, and the root causes of the problems are analyzed. Then we summarize the factors that affect the development of Jingzhong Village by using the results of investigation and literature research, including: scenic resources, geographical location conditions, infrastructure construction and so on. According to the classification of Jingzhong village, it is divided into four types: service type, sightseeing type, coordination type and common type. Finally, in the study of the village planning strategy in Jingzhong, the paper puts forward four principles: balance of responsibility and rights, guarantee of villagers' interests, rational distribution of space, and sustainable development. This paper analyzes the present characteristics and existing problems of the villages in the four kinds of scenery and puts forward the development strategies from the angle of space material form and non-material form.
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