[Abstract]:Xinnong Town is a key tourist position in Harbin. However, for a long time, the tourist area of Xinnong Town has been limited by the shortage of funds, and the tourism resources have not been well developed, so that the advantages of tourism resources have not been fully utilized. Its tourism development lags behind the surrounding other tourist attractions. Therefore, it is urgent for the development and construction of the scenic spot of Xinnong Town to find a method and measure to solve the problem of funds that restrict the scenic area of Xinnong Town and to find a financing method which accords with the actual situation of the scenic spot. This paper takes the tourism project of Harbin Xinnong Town as the research object, and explores the project financing problem with the choice and evaluation of the project financing mode. First of all, the paper combs the related concepts and theories of financing, as the starting point of the paper. On the basis of introducing the general situation of eco-tourism project construction and financing demand of Xinnong Town, this paper analyzes the current financing situation and points out the deficiency. Then, this paper introduces the basic and innovative modes of tourism project financing, and puts forward three financing alternative modes, namely, government-led, market-oriented and mixed-driven, combined with the actual situation of eco-tourism projects in Xinnong Town. The evaluation index system includes the following six aspects: financing cost, procedure, risk, achievement, capital occupation period and influence. Then the weight of each index is calculated in detail with AHP, and three different kinds of schemes are evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The results show that, The mixed push type is the most suitable financing mode for the ecological tourism project of Xinnong Town at present. The author also puts forward the measures to improve the project financing ability from the aspects of perfecting the government service function, promoting the reform of the project operation enterprises, improving the investment environment and widening the financing channels of the capital market, so as to provide the fund guarantee for the further development of the project. The research of this paper has guiding significance for improving the financing mode of tourism industry in Xinnong Town, and also has reference function for the financing of other industries.
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