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发布时间:2018-11-03 15:06
[Abstract]:Liaoning's tourism industry is developing rapidly, and the imbalance of tourism development is becoming increasingly prominent. After years of development, tourism has become one of the fastest developing industries in the national economy of Liaoning Province. Along with the rapid development of the tourism industry in Liaoning Province as a whole, due to the differences in regional tourism resources endowment, social and economic conditions, traffic conditions, infrastructure and other conditions within the province, The unbalanced development of tourism in various regions of Liaoning Province has seriously restricted the further development of the overall tourism in Liaoning Province. It is urgent to make a systematic analysis of the spatial structure of tourism industry in Liaoning Province. In order to better grasp the development direction of tourism industry in Liaoning Province. While affirming the great contribution of tourism to the economic and social development of certain regions and the remarkable changes in tourism pattern at the present stage, this paper points out the great significance of developing tourism in Liaoning Province. Based on the theory of tourism development and the literature about tourism development at home and abroad, the spatial structure of tourism in Liaoning Province is studied systematically and comprehensively. Firstly, the evolution model of regional tourism economic spatial structure in Liaoning Province is analyzed and studied. Secondly, through the comprehensive consideration of tourism resources in Liaoning Province, we can better understand the distribution of tourism resources and the grade of tourism resources in each city of Liaoning Province. Thirdly, through the analysis of the tourism traffic structure of Liaoning Province, we can further understand the traffic situation of Liaoning Province, and then, by exploring the distribution law of tourism flow in Liaoning Province, we can make our foreign marketing more targeted. Finally, through the study of the relationship between destination space interaction, the author points out that the competition mode is the current need of Liaoning tourism, and on the basis of this analysis, gives the tourism development strategy of Liaoning Province. At the end of this paper is the conclusion and innovation.


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