[Abstract]:Urban historical district is the epitome of a city's historical development and the most important cultural heritage of a city. The tourism development of the historic district can revive the vitality of the historical district and make the historic district obtain the motive force of sustainable development. This paper takes 12 historic blocks in downtown Shanghai as the research object, through literature collation and field investigation, the paper studies the background of historical district, the present situation of tourism development, the tourism development mode and the development trend in the future, etc. The aim is to perfect the related theories of tourism development in historical blocks and to provide guidance and help for the tourism development of Shanghai historic blocks and other historical districts. This paper first introduces the background and general situation of the formation of Shanghai Historical District. It includes the historical background and cultural composition of the historic district in Shanghai, the present situation and scope of protection of Shanghai's historical district, and the value of Shanghai's historical district. On the basis of analyzing the background and general situation of the formation of Shanghai's historic district, this paper analyzes the present situation of tourism development of 12 historic blocks in Shanghai's central city. This paper includes the types and characteristics of tourism resources in Shanghai's historic blocks, analyzes the present situation of tourism development in Shanghai's historic blocks and puts forward the problems existing in the development, which lays a theoretical and practical foundation for the introduction of tourism development models in historical blocks. Based on the previous theoretical research results and the first-hand data obtained from the field investigation, this paper summarizes the existing tourism development models in Shanghai's historic blocks from two aspects: the development form and the development subject. In the aspect of development, it mainly includes the original reservation mode, museum model, creative industry park model, hotel restaurant model and characteristic commercial street model. The development main body mainly includes the government-led development mode, the enterprise-oriented development model and the community-oriented development mode. This paper also evaluates the existing tourism development models in Shanghai's historic blocks. This paper puts forward the development principles of the tourism development mode in the historical district, including the principle of gradual progress, the principle of hierarchy progression and the principle of keeping pace with the times; This paper analyzes the dynamic mechanism of the development of tourism development mode in historical blocks, including: the process of dynamic game among tourism interest subjects in historical blocks, and the results of the running rules of tourism development modes in historical blocks; The development trend, the realization path, the obstacles and the safeguard countermeasures of the tourism development mode in Shanghai historic district are proposed.
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