[Abstract]:China's outbound tourism has developed rapidly. In 1992, the number of outbound tourists in China was less than 3 million. In 2011, the number of outbound tourists reached 70.25 million, an increase of nearly 23.4 times. But at the same time, the problem of outbound tourism retreating is also endless, especially in the face of major sudden events, usually there will be a large-scale phenomenon of outbound tourism withdrawal, forming a tide of outbound tourism withdrawal. Some media and consumers have paid attention to the withdrawal of outbound tourism, but there is no academic research on it. Through case analysis, in-depth interview and literature review, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the problem of outbound tourism withdrawing from the regiment, and explores the ways to solve the problem in order to reduce the rate of outbound tourism withdrawing from the regiment. To reduce the economic and spiritual losses of tour groups and tourists, the public pays attention to the withdrawal of outbound tourism. The main forms of outbound tourism retreat are group tourism withdrawal and individual tourism withdrawal. The problem of outbound tour withdrawal is usually dealt with according to the outbound travel contract signed by the regiment agency and the outbound tourist and the provisions on some legal issues applicable to the trial of tourism dispute cases. The issue of refunds and the cognition of force majeure are the focus of the withdrawal of outbound tourism. The main reasons for withdrawing from the outbound tour include: the reasons of tourists themselves, such as sudden illness or accidental injury, temporary events, rejection of visa, etc. Objective factors, such as social emergencies, natural emergencies, sudden public health events. The causes of outbound tourism withdrawal mainly include the long period of purchasing outbound tourism products in advance, the asymmetry of tourism information, the poor treatment of Chinese citizens' tourist visas, the problems of outbound tourism contracts, and the imperfect early warning system of China's outbound tourism safety. There are many departments involved in the problem of withdrawing outbound tourism from the angle of government administration, tourism enterprises and tourists, in order to reduce the appearance of the problem of outbound tourism withdrawal from the angle of government management, tourism enterprises and tourists.
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