[Abstract]:In order to avoid the resource trap of "rising because of coal and trapped by coal" and making rational use of the preferential policy of first trial by the state, the rapid development of regional tourism in Taiyuan Basin can be promoted. Based on the systematic analysis of the main influencing factors of regional tourism spatial structure, this paper constructs a simplified model of regional tourism spatial structure, and analyzes the spatial structure of regional tourism resources in Taiyuan Basin. The spatial structure of tourist source and the present situation of tourist channel are analyzed in depth. It is found that the area of Taiyuan Basin has strong tourism competitiveness, but the present tourism spatial pattern can not effectively promote the overall development of regional tourism. It is difficult to broaden the tourist market in areas with the same type of tourist resources, and the transportation of large materials such as coal has restricted the development of tourist passenger transport for a long time. In view of the existing problems, this paper puts forward the corresponding optimization strategy, and suggests that the overall layout of tourism space of "two centers and two axes" should be followed in Taiyuan Basin, and the tourism service and radiation function of the two polar cores of Taiyuan and Pingyao should be strengthened. Construct five characteristic tourist areas, "half an hour" quality tourism circle, "15-30" regional slow circle and so on. Taking Taiyuan Basin as an example, this paper systematically constructs the framework of regional tourism spatial structure analysis and optimization, enriches the research content of tourism spatial structure at regional level in China, and provides a new way of thinking for the transformation and development of resource-based regions.
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