[Abstract]:Based on the relationship between terminological symbols and concepts, this paper explores the emergence of the word "tourism" in Chinese and its corresponding conceptual changes through the interpretation of historical data. From the time dimension, the double syllable "tourism" was first found in the Republic of China, which was related to the development of travel agency industry and related publications during the period of the Republic of China, as well as the traditional travel culture of China. From the perspective of spatial dimension, "tourism" is not a foreign word, not a direct translation from tourism. At first, the term "tourism" corresponds to a single concept and refers to "travel". Subsequently, the corresponding concept of "tourism" has diversified changes: in addition to the concept of "travel (calendar)", the corresponding concepts of "economic dimension" and "integrity" have been added; The multivariate change of the corresponding concept of "tourism" is greatly influenced by the specific social and historical background and research practice. This paper holds that the alternative mononymy terms synonymous with "tourism" should be used according to different linguistic environments in order to reduce the ambiguity of their corresponding concepts.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学旅游管理学院;中山大学旅游学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“西部边远区域旅游发展中的全球地方化特征、过程与机制——新疆喀纳斯案例”(41501158) 国家留学基金委国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(201206380006)
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