[Abstract]:This masterpiece, which has been popular for hundreds of years, is of great value in the history of Chinese literature and drama. The visual images are abundant, not only on paper and silk, but also on porcelain, which infuses new vitality into porcelain decoration. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the stories and ornaments of the Western Xiang appeared in the porcelain. They were not only of great artistic value, but also closely related to the operas and literature at that time, showing different characteristics, which was worth exploring. Therefore, in this paper, the author analyzes the relationship between a series of changes of Xixiang porcelain paintings and woodcut printmaking and opera performances from three aspects: the Western Chamber story pattern, the decorative characteristics and the plot drawn on the porcelain in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The evolution of porcelain decoration features reflects the change of buyer's demand and the cultural and ideological connotations contained in the plot of porcelain decoration. The fifth picture of "Western Chamber" on porcelain and the attitude of buyers to it are briefly analyzed.
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