[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, culture and the change of people's way of life, the detail design and shape of the fabric in the women's clothing design are constantly improving and innovating in the existing design standard. Under the background of contemporary diversified times, as one of the important material bases of women's clothing design, the pursuit of detail design innovation is becoming more and more intense. Based on this development situation, the designer's design idea, design method and other aspects have also produced the corresponding new challenge, the designer pays more and more attention to the women's clothing fabric detail design research dynamics, has formed the unceasingly innovation development tendency. Therefore, this article takes the clothing fabric in the women's clothing design as the research carrier, combs the formation reason and the characteristic of the current fabric detail design innovation. This paper attempts to study the detail design of fabrics in women's clothing design from the perspective of multidimensional, and to expand and perfect the design method through design practice, which provides a certain theoretical and practical basis for the design of clothing textiles.
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