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发布时间:2018-11-28 10:27
【摘要】:二十一世纪,旅游产业的发展迎来了一个黄金时代,旅游客源市场之间的竞争日趋激烈。由于旅游的特殊性,旅游商品市场必须依靠信息来实现产销双方的沟通,旅游信息的有效传播,对于旅游行业的发展至关重要。 旅游自身特性使得旅游信息传播成为特殊的信息传播现象。本文从传播学和旅游学的角度,来研究桂林旅游信息传播的现状。在研究过程中,首先对旅游信息传播的内涵和特点做出明确界定和说明,其次以拉斯韦尔的“5W”大众传播模式为起点,创建桂林旅游信息传播模式,并对该模式及模式中影响传播效果的要素、涉及的基础理论等进行阐释。论文以典型的旅游城市桂林为例,通过对调查问卷的整理和分析,理清桂林旅游信息传播现状特点和存在问题。由问卷的数据统计得知:亲身传播在影响游客的旅游决策方面,发挥着不容忽视的作用,是桂林城市形象传播的原动力。同时,与老牌旅游名城不相符的是,目前桂林旅游信息传播还存在着“传播者重视传播成本的投入,却忽视对传播效果的调研和评估;传播内容单一,与受众需求存在差距;大众媒介利用不合理,本地旅游传媒发展滞后”等等问题。最后,针对存在问题,论文提出了实际操作层面上的优化策略。 本文对旅游信息传播已有的研究成果、基本概念、模式、要素等方面进行了系统而全面的梳理,文章的理论性、整体性、系统性更强,有助于进一步推动旅游传播学理论体系的构建。此外,论文结合实例,对桂林市的旅游信息传播现状进行实地调研,并根据调研结果,提出旅游信息传播的优化策略,这对于其他旅游城市(旅游目的)具有实际操作层面上的参考意义。论文可以说是在旅游信息传播这个目前还存在诸多盲点的研究领域所进行的一次理论和实践双重意义上的探索研究。
[Abstract]:In the 21 century, the development of tourism industry ushered in a golden age, the competition between the tourist market is becoming increasingly fierce. Because of the particularity of tourism, the market of tourism commodities must rely on information to realize the communication between production and marketing. The effective dissemination of tourism information is very important for the development of tourism industry. Tourism itself makes tourism information communication a special phenomenon. From the angle of communication and tourism, this paper studies the present situation of tourism information dissemination in Guilin. In the course of the research, firstly, the connotation and characteristics of tourism information dissemination are defined and explained clearly. Secondly, the "5W" mass communication mode of Raswell is taken as the starting point to establish Guilin tourism information communication mode. And the model and its influence on the transmission of the elements, involved in the basic theory and so on. This paper takes Guilin, a typical tourist city, as an example, through sorting out and analyzing the questionnaire, clarifies the present characteristics and existing problems of tourism information dissemination in Guilin. From the statistics of the questionnaire, we know that personal communication plays an important role in the tourist decision-making and is the driving force of the urban image communication in Guilin. At the same time, contrary to the old famous tourist cities, at present, there are still some problems in the dissemination of tourism information in Guilin: the communicator pays attention to the cost of communication, but neglects the investigation and evaluation of the effect of communication, the content of communication is single, and there is a gap between the communication content and the needs of the audience; The use of mass media is unreasonable, the development of local tourism media lags behind, and so on. Finally, aiming at the existing problems, the paper puts forward the optimization strategy on the practical operation level. In this paper, the existing research results, basic concepts, models, elements and other aspects of tourism information dissemination have been systematically and comprehensively combed. It is helpful to further promote the construction of tourism communication theory system. In addition, the paper carries on the field investigation to the present situation of the tourism information dissemination in Guilin city, and puts forward the optimization strategy of the tourism information dissemination according to the investigation result. This is of practical significance to other tourist cities (tourism purposes). This paper can be said to be a theoretical and practical exploration in the field of tourism information dissemination, which still has many blind spots.


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