[Abstract]:Fifty-seven animals were unearthed in the cemetery M10 in Kai Hou, Li Cheng, including five kinds of animals, including horses, dogs, sheep, cattle and pigs, including horseshoe, horses, pigs and dogs and sheep. M8 unearthed three sets of dog skeletons. Among them, the size of dogs under outer coffins was huge. The skeletons of the dogs and pigs unearthed in M7 were 4 pairs, and one pair of dog skeletons were unearthed in each of the three tombs of M2, M4 and M6. The sacrificial animals unearthed in Li Cheng Kai Hou Cemetery provide important archaeological data for the study of animal husbandry history in the Western Zhou Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 河南省文物考古研究院;
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