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发布时间:2018-12-12 16:17
【摘要】:20世纪80年代中后期,全球经济飞速发展,,城市化建设与建筑业发展迅猛。各种视觉艺术形式不断参与到公共空间的构建中,与空间中的大众面对面地交流沟通。同时,现代陶艺的兴起与陶艺教育的普及以及交流渠道的不断拓宽,为陶艺家参与公共空间的建设提供了更多机会。当前,陶艺在公共空间中的艺术实践虽然在众多公共艺术的项目中体现出来,但其自身发展依旧较为薄弱。纵观世界当代艺术,陶艺介入公共空间的力度还是很微弱,在公共艺术中所占比例还是不高,更缺乏相关的理论研究,导致其发展体系尚不完整。因此,亟待整理现有国内外具体的感性材料、结合陶瓷材料自身图式语言,分析传统工艺与当代化的结合方式,思考如何将陶瓷材料在公共空间中所呈现出的视觉形式语言与现代人真实情感的联通搭起一座桥梁。以此提出可创新发展的建设性理论,让陶瓷艺术在公共空间艺术实践中自成体系并扮演更重要的地位。 本文从西方视觉形式理论中,引用“图式”的概念来探索当代陶艺图式语言的构建,并将这种陶瓷图式语言带入具体的有代表性的公共艺术案例中加以剖析,整理出一套陶瓷材料在公共空间的艺术实践中的应用理论。并从具体的案例中进一步深化对陶艺图式语言在公共空间中应用规律的认识。同时,在用图式语言对国外优秀公共陶艺案例的分析研究中,探寻中国本土环境中发展陶瓷公共艺术的实践模式,寻找陶瓷公共艺术中“中国式的图式语言”。概念与个案有机结合起来形成的这些建设性理论成果,期望能为今后公共艺术创作提供鲜活的素材与理论支持。
[Abstract]:In the middle and late 1980s, the global economy developed rapidly, and the urbanization and construction industry developed rapidly. Various visual art forms are constantly involved in the construction of public space, and communicate face to face with the public in the space. At the same time, the rise of modern ceramic art, the popularization of ceramic art education and the widening of communication channels provide more opportunities for pottery artists to participate in the construction of public space. At present, ceramic art in public space art practice in many public art projects, but its own development is still relatively weak. Throughout the world contemporary art, ceramic art involved in public space is still very weak, the proportion of public art is still not high, more lack of relevant theoretical research, resulting in its development system is not complete. Therefore, it is urgent to sort out the existing perceptual materials at home and abroad, and to analyze the combination of traditional techniques and contemporary methods, combining with the schematic language of ceramic materials themselves. How to connect the visual form language of ceramic material in public space with the real emotion of modern people is considered. In this way, the constructive theory of innovation and development is put forward, and ceramic art plays a more important role in the practice of public space art. In this paper, the concept of "schema" is used to explore the construction of contemporary ceramic art schema language from the western visual form theory, and the ceramic schema language is introduced into concrete and representative public art cases to be analyzed. A set of ceramic materials in public space art practice application theory. And further deepen the understanding of the application of ceramic schematic language in public space from specific cases. At the same time, in the analysis and study of foreign excellent public ceramic art cases with schematic language, this paper explores the practical mode of developing ceramic public art in the local environment of China, and looks for the "Chinese schema language" in ceramic public art. These constructive theoretical achievements, which are formed by combining concepts with individual cases, are expected to provide fresh materials and theoretical support for public art creation in the future.


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