[Abstract]:The study of Analects of Confucius is no longer a new subject, but unfortunately, most of the previous studies are based on Confucius' political opinions, ethical ideas, moral concepts or educational principles. For the perspective of folklore to explore, few interested. Therefore, the author analyzes the research method of folk history and Confucius' folklore thought. The times of Confucius' life were a time of changing customs and customs. The inheritance and change of folk customs made Confucius feel that the ancient rites had no patience and helplessness, and therefore he was dissatisfied and regretted. But it is this change that heralds new opportunities, new turns. It is through constant chaos, change and reconstruction that the strength of folklore has been enriched and developed. The folklore values in the Analects of Confucius exist objectively. It provides a theoretical basis for the study of folk culture and folklore history in the Spring and Autumn period and finds new materials for the study of the history of folklore in China.
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