[Abstract]:The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. Its initiation, development, rheology and evolution are related to the Himalayan orogeny and the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Yellow River, loess and yellow people are developing with time and space, which makes irreplaceable contribution to the development and development of Chinese civilization. From the estuary, the lower reaches, the middle reaches, and the upper reaches to the source area, the author has made a sectioned investigation and put forward the "Great Yellow River Theory" after seeking advice from the relevant experts and scholars. This brings the rheological areas of the Yellow River into the large Yellow River system for 6, 000 years. The dynamic Yellow River, the Life Yellow River, the Ecological Yellow River, the Digital Yellow River, and the innovative Yellow River are used to plan the future and benefit the people's livelihood. On the basis of inheriting the successful experience of controlling the Yellow River in the past dynasties and according to the characteristics of the Yellow River, the author puts forward that the separation of water and sand into the Bohai Sea and Huang Hai is aimed at protecting the Bohai Sea, making the sea area no longer shrink, maintaining the spatial ecosystem of the North China Sea and land and preventing the deterioration of the environment. And the artificial transport of sediment to the Yellow River Estuary to create land, to expand the land space, and to extend the exclusive economic zone of the marine economy, is a great pattern of environmental change, with Huang Bingwei, Wu Chuanjun, Chen Shupeng, Shi Yafeng four geologists named the "Huang Wu Chen Shi Geoscience effect", in memory of the four great contributions to science!
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;
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