发布时间:2019-02-18 20:51
【摘要】:古城作为人类生活聚落的典型,见证了人类文明的发展历程,且在其历史发展过程中扮演了经济、政治与文化中心地的多种角色。对于旅游者而言,迷人的古城已不单单是一种视觉消费地,其本身所传承的民风民俗以及古老悠久的遗迹也在以一种寂静地方式向世人传颂着它的历史典故与传说。而古城旅游更是一种集游览、放松与体验于一体的综合性消费方式。漫步于古城之中,旅游者得以远离城市的繁扰而追求单纯的闲适,或畅怀思古,或游览拍照,返回家中之后或者在途中,很多旅游者会将自己的旅游体验经历图文并茂地展现于自己的博客中,为的不只是和亲友们分享,更为自己的将来留作美好回忆的证据。鉴于此,本研究以湖南湘西凤凰古城为研究样地,通过对相关网络游记的内容分析,以期得出凤凰古城网络游记中频繁出现的典型景观元素,紧接着在景观元素的基础之上结合深度访谈,展开对凤凰古城元素性符号及其意义的探讨。 通过分析,本研究将凤凰古城的典型景观元素分为人文景观类、自然景观类以及地方特色类景观元素,主要包括吊脚楼、沱江、美食等元素,同时得出了旅游者的体验结果。通过对访谈资料的分析,最后得出凤凰古城的九个元素性符号,包括人文景观类:吊脚楼、苗族文化、沈从文;自然景观类:沱江、泛舟、夜色;地方特色类:青石板街巷、美食、河灯,并对这些符号的意义进行了阐释。 作为一项探索性质的研究,本研究具有一定的理论和实用价值。在理论方面,本研究丰富了古城旅游研究中的古城符号研究,深化了有关古城旅游的相关理论研究。而在方法论上,本研究采用内容分析法并结合深度访谈,突破了传统研究中通过问卷来获取数据的方法,是本研究的创新之处。实用价值方面,对古城旅游景观的元素性符号的分析,能够看出旅游者最满意的古城景观的组成,可以为古城旅游开发者与经营者提供理论参考,为古城的营销提供依据。同时需要指出的是,本研究由于时间等条件限制,在研究对象以及研究样地的选取上可能有所偏向,.未来的研究中可以适当增加研究对象的群体以及研究样地的数量,以提高研究结论的适用性和代表性。 本研究各章节的具体内容以及逻辑框架如下: 前两章主要是对研究背景、研究意义和整体研究架构进行介绍,以对及本研究的理论基础以及相关研究成果进行了梳理和评价,以指导研究方案的设计与研究资料的收集。第三章介绍了本文的研究方法,主要有资料收集方法以及资料分析方法。第四章和第五章是对资料进行分析以及分析结果的呈现,其中第四章是对网络游记的内容分析以期得出凤凰古城的典型景观元素,第五章是对访谈资料的分析从而得到凤凰古城的元素性符号。第六章主要是对本研究的主要结论进行了概括,同时对研究中存在的不足之处以及未来展望进行了探讨。
[Abstract]:As a typical of the human living settlement, the ancient city has witnessed the development of human civilization, and has played a variety of roles in the economic, political and cultural center in the course of its historical development. For tourists, the charming ancient city is not only a kind of visual consumption, its own heritage of the folk wind and the old relic also in a way to the world to the world through its historical allusions and legends. The ancient city tourism is a kind of comprehensive consumption mode that integrates tour, relaxation and experience. Walking in the ancient city, the tourists can be far away from the city, to pursue simple leisure, or to take photos, to return to the home, or on the way, many tourists will experience the tourism experience in their own blog, It's not just to share with the friends, and to keep the evidence of a better memory in the future. In view of this, this study takes the Phoenix ancient city of Hunan, Hunan as the research sample, through the content analysis of the travel to the relevant network, in order to get the typical landscape element frequently appearing in the travel of the Phoenix ancient city network, followed by the depth interview on the basis of the landscape element, The study of the element symbol and its significance in the ancient city of the phoenix. Through the analysis, this study divides the typical landscape elements of the ancient city of Phoenix into the human landscape, the natural landscape and the landscape elements of the local characteristics, mainly including the pendant, the river, the food and other elements, at the same time, the experience knot of the tourists is obtained. Through the analysis of the interview data, the nine elements of the ancient city of the Phoenix are finally obtained, including the human landscape: the foot building, the Miao culture, the Shen Congwen, the natural landscape, the river, the pan, the night color, the local characteristic class: the green slate, the street, the food, the river. The lamp, and the significance of these symbols, The study has a certain theory and practice as a study of the nature of exploration. In theory, this study enriches the study of the ancient city symbols in the study of the ancient city tourism, and deepens the relevant rules on the tourism of the ancient city. In methodology, this study uses the content analysis method and combined with the depth interview, and breaks through the method of getting the data through the questionnaire in the traditional research, which is the creation of the study. On the basis of the analysis of the elements of the tourism landscape of the ancient city, the paper can see the composition of the most satisfactory ancient city landscape of the tourists, and can provide the theoretical reference for the tourism developers and the operators of the ancient city, and provide the marketing of the ancient city. For the purpose of this study, it is also important to point out that the study may have some effect on the selection of the study object and the study sample due to the limitation of time and other conditions In the future, the population of the study object and the number of study-like sites can be appropriately increased to improve the applicability of the study conclusion. Representative. The specific content of each section of this study, as well as the content of the study The framework of the series is as follows: the first two chapters are mainly introduced to the research background, the research significance and the overall research framework, and the theoretical basis of the research and the relevant research results are introduced. The design and evaluation of the research program are carried out in order to guide the design of the research program. The research data is collected. The third chapter introduces the research methods of this paper, mainly including the data collection method. The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter are the analysis of the data and the presentation of the analysis result. The fourth chapter is the content analysis of the travel of the network in order to obtain the typical landscape element of the Phoenix ancient city, and the fifth chapter is the analysis of the interview data to get the Phoenix. In chapter 6, the main conclusions of this study are summarized, and the shortcomings and future in the study are also discussed.
[Abstract]:As a typical of the human living settlement, the ancient city has witnessed the development of human civilization, and has played a variety of roles in the economic, political and cultural center in the course of its historical development. For tourists, the charming ancient city is not only a kind of visual consumption, its own heritage of the folk wind and the old relic also in a way to the world to the world through its historical allusions and legends. The ancient city tourism is a kind of comprehensive consumption mode that integrates tour, relaxation and experience. Walking in the ancient city, the tourists can be far away from the city, to pursue simple leisure, or to take photos, to return to the home, or on the way, many tourists will experience the tourism experience in their own blog, It's not just to share with the friends, and to keep the evidence of a better memory in the future. In view of this, this study takes the Phoenix ancient city of Hunan, Hunan as the research sample, through the content analysis of the travel to the relevant network, in order to get the typical landscape element frequently appearing in the travel of the Phoenix ancient city network, followed by the depth interview on the basis of the landscape element, The study of the element symbol and its significance in the ancient city of the phoenix. Through the analysis, this study divides the typical landscape elements of the ancient city of Phoenix into the human landscape, the natural landscape and the landscape elements of the local characteristics, mainly including the pendant, the river, the food and other elements, at the same time, the experience knot of the tourists is obtained. Through the analysis of the interview data, the nine elements of the ancient city of the Phoenix are finally obtained, including the human landscape: the foot building, the Miao culture, the Shen Congwen, the natural landscape, the river, the pan, the night color, the local characteristic class: the green slate, the street, the food, the river. The lamp, and the significance of these symbols, The study has a certain theory and practice as a study of the nature of exploration. In theory, this study enriches the study of the ancient city symbols in the study of the ancient city tourism, and deepens the relevant rules on the tourism of the ancient city. In methodology, this study uses the content analysis method and combined with the depth interview, and breaks through the method of getting the data through the questionnaire in the traditional research, which is the creation of the study. On the basis of the analysis of the elements of the tourism landscape of the ancient city, the paper can see the composition of the most satisfactory ancient city landscape of the tourists, and can provide the theoretical reference for the tourism developers and the operators of the ancient city, and provide the marketing of the ancient city. For the purpose of this study, it is also important to point out that the study may have some effect on the selection of the study object and the study sample due to the limitation of time and other conditions In the future, the population of the study object and the number of study-like sites can be appropriately increased to improve the applicability of the study conclusion. Representative. The specific content of each section of this study, as well as the content of the study The framework of the series is as follows: the first two chapters are mainly introduced to the research background, the research significance and the overall research framework, and the theoretical basis of the research and the relevant research results are introduced. The design and evaluation of the research program are carried out in order to guide the design of the research program. The research data is collected. The third chapter introduces the research methods of this paper, mainly including the data collection method. The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter are the analysis of the data and the presentation of the analysis result. The fourth chapter is the content analysis of the travel of the network in order to obtain the typical landscape element of the Phoenix ancient city, and the fifth chapter is the analysis of the interview data to get the Phoenix. In chapter 6, the main conclusions of this study are summarized, and the shortcomings and future in the study are also discussed.
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