发布时间:2019-02-18 21:13
【摘要】:新疆,古称西域,是东西方文化交流的枢纽,居于“丝绸之路”的重要之地。民族民间工艺是各民族物质文明的主要表现形式,它在人民的生活、习俗等方面占有一席之地,维吾尔族民间印花布是该民族最具代表性的民间手工艺文化之一。对印花布艺术进行研究,,有助于了解维吾尔族民族文化和审美取向,从而对维吾尔族民间传统手工艺文化有更深的认知。因此,探究维吾尔民间印花布艺术具有极为重要的意义。 本论文对维吾尔族民间印花布艺术进行了较全面的研究,通过调研访谈、资料收集以及比较分析等方法对其进行论述。在此基础上,采用相关图片资料对该艺术进行逐层深入研究。 本论文主要研究内容有以下几方面:第一、概述印花布艺术产生的背景,包括自然环境因素、历史背景、考古发掘;第二、具体分析维吾尔族印花布艺术中最具代表性的印花工艺及装饰特征;第三、探究与其印花布艺术相关的文化因素;第四、印花布艺术的传承与保护。 通过研究得知:(l)新疆在特殊的自然环境、历史背景等条件下,产生了不同于其他地域、民族的不同审美特征,且处于“丝绸之路”重要路段。(2)维吾尔族民间工艺种类繁多,特色鲜明,在长期的发展和使用过程中逐渐形成了独有的风格,这是维吾尔族工艺文化区别于其他民族工艺文化的主要标志。(3)在现代工业化的环境中,民族民间工艺正逐渐被边缘化、异化,其市场占有量逐渐减少,因此对民间艺术的保护迫在眉睫。
[Abstract]:Xinjiang, the ancient Western region, is the hub of cultural exchanges between East and West, living in the "Silk Road" an important place. Ethnic folk craftsmanship is the main manifestation of material civilization of various nationalities. It occupies a place in people's lives and customs. Uyghur folk printing cloth is one of the most representative folk handicraft cultures of this nation. The study on the art of printed cloth is helpful to understand the national culture and aesthetic orientation of the Uygur nationality and thus have a deeper understanding of the traditional handicraft culture of the Uygur people. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the art of Uygur folk calico. In this paper, Uygur folk calico art has been comprehensively studied and discussed by means of investigation and interview, data collection and comparative analysis. On the basis of this, the art is studied layer by using the relevant picture data. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, the background of the art of printed fabric, including natural environment, historical background, archaeological excavation; Second, analyze the most representative printing technology and decorative characteristics of Uygur printed cloth art; third, explore the cultural factors related to its printed cloth art; fourth, the inheritance and protection of printed cloth art. Through the study, we know that: (l) Xinjiang has different aesthetic characteristics different from other regions and nationalities under the special natural environment, historical background and other conditions. And is in the "Silk Road" important section. (2) Uyghur folk craftsmanship variety, distinctive characteristics, in the long-term development and use of gradually formed a unique style, This is the main sign that Uygur craft culture is different from other nationalities' craft culture. (3) in the environment of modern industrialization, ethnic folk craft is gradually being marginalized, alienated, and its market share decreases gradually. Therefore, the protection of folk art is urgent.
[Abstract]:Xinjiang, the ancient Western region, is the hub of cultural exchanges between East and West, living in the "Silk Road" an important place. Ethnic folk craftsmanship is the main manifestation of material civilization of various nationalities. It occupies a place in people's lives and customs. Uyghur folk printing cloth is one of the most representative folk handicraft cultures of this nation. The study on the art of printed cloth is helpful to understand the national culture and aesthetic orientation of the Uygur nationality and thus have a deeper understanding of the traditional handicraft culture of the Uygur people. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the art of Uygur folk calico. In this paper, Uygur folk calico art has been comprehensively studied and discussed by means of investigation and interview, data collection and comparative analysis. On the basis of this, the art is studied layer by using the relevant picture data. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, the background of the art of printed fabric, including natural environment, historical background, archaeological excavation; Second, analyze the most representative printing technology and decorative characteristics of Uygur printed cloth art; third, explore the cultural factors related to its printed cloth art; fourth, the inheritance and protection of printed cloth art. Through the study, we know that: (l) Xinjiang has different aesthetic characteristics different from other regions and nationalities under the special natural environment, historical background and other conditions. And is in the "Silk Road" important section. (2) Uyghur folk craftsmanship variety, distinctive characteristics, in the long-term development and use of gradually formed a unique style, This is the main sign that Uygur craft culture is different from other nationalities' craft culture. (3) in the environment of modern industrialization, ethnic folk craft is gradually being marginalized, alienated, and its market share decreases gradually. Therefore, the protection of folk art is urgent.
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