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发布时间:2019-06-04 01:23
【摘要】:据不完全统计,目前我国每年举办的节事活动有8000多个。由于节事活动不仅能够满足人们的精神和物质生活需要,还能在短时间内发挥产业联动效应,带动举办地经济、社会和文化的发展,达到传播举办地形象、提高其知名度等目的。同时举办节事活动也是旅游目的地进行营销的有效手段,因此全国各地积极创建和举办各类节事活动,从而造成我国每年举办的节事活动的种类和数量不断增多,节事市场的竞争日益激烈。然而节事活动数量的迅速增多,造成了节事活动举办的主题内容同质化严重等问题,使得节事消费者可选择的节事活动的范围变广的同时,造成了他们对不同节事活动难以抉择。这就突出了节事活动进行营销传播的重要性。 21世纪是网络化的时代,网络技术的迅速发展,使得各种网络媒介不断推陈出新,信息传播更加个性化、传播方式变得多样化,因此对人们的媒体选择习惯和消费行为模式产生了极大的影响,这也使得营销传播环境发生了变化,传统的营销模式已经不能满足时代发展的需要。同时由于我国网民数量的逐年快速增长,网络信息传播不受时空限制、目标性突出及互动沟通性强等特点,使得利用网络进行营销成为很多行业的选择,而这正好迎合了节事活动利用网络进行营销传播的需要。另外,虽然目前已有部分节事组织者关注到了网络对节事活动营销传播产生的积极作用,通过创建官方的节事营销网站和利用各种网络媒体进行宣传和传播,但是效果不是很明显,没有发挥出网络营销传播的实际作用。 通过对节事相关文献研究进行整理和分析发现,目前大部分研究重点都集中在节事活动对举办地的经济和社会影响研究、节事旅游的动机研究和节事活动的运作模式研究等方面。虽然目前我国已有部分研究关注到了网络对于节事活动营销的重要性,但是基于整合营销传播理论进行节事活动营销传播的研究几乎没有。因此本文在网络的迅速发展以及网络带来的巨大变化的背景下,立足于当前节事活动发展的现状,引入整合营销传播理论,通过对网络传播媒介手段进行整合,构建适合于节事活动的网络整合营销传播模型,希望对节事组织者进行节事营销具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。 本研究主要分为以下六个部分,主要包括: 第一部分是绪论。主要包括本文的研究背景、理论和现实意义、研究方法以及研究的思路和流程; 第二部分是文献综述。对国内外关于整合营销传播、网络整合营销传播、节事的相关概念和研究现状进行了整理和分析,以便找到本文的研究方向,即利用网络的优势和特点对节事活动进行网络整合营销传播; 第三部分对构建节事活动网络整合营销传播模型的理论基础和现实基础进行了分析。其中理论基础部分主要从品牌定位理论、传播理论和节事消费者行为决策过程等方面进行了分析,现实基础部分首先通过利用网络资源对目前我国的节事活动样本进行收集,在此基础上对目前我国节事活动的发展现状进行了分析,然后从节事活动进行营销传播的重要性方面进行了分析; 第四部分在对前面理论基础和现实基础进行分析的基础上,首先对节事活动的网络整合营销传播的品牌定位进行了分析,然后根据“5W”传播模式,对构建模型的节事组织者、节事消费者、节事活动网络整合营销传播媒介、节事活动网络整合营销传播内容和节事活动网络整合营销传播效果等五个要素进行了分析,并引入AISAS网络消费者行为模式,然后以此为基础构建节事活动网络整合营销传播模型。 第五部分以香港的节事活动营销推广为案例,从构建模型的五个要素方面进行了分析,为其他节事组织者进行网络整合营销传播提供借鉴。 第六部分对本文的研究结论进行了总结,同时指出了本文的创新之处、研究局限和对未来研究的展望。
[Abstract]:According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 8,000 festivals each year in our country. Since the festival activity can not only meet the needs of people's spiritual and material life, but also play an industrial linkage effect in a short time, it can drive the development of the host economy, society and culture, reach the image of the host place, and improve its popularity. At the same time, it is an effective means for the tourism destination to carry out marketing. Therefore, all parts of the country are actively creating and holding various kinds of festival activities, thus resulting in the increasing variety and quantity of festival events held every year in our country, and the competition of the festival market is becoming more and more intense. However, the rapid increase of the number of events and events has resulted in the problem of the same quality as the theme content organized by the festival activities, so that the range of the festival activities to be selected by the consumers can be varied, and it is difficult for them to make a choice for different events. This highlights the importance of marketing communications for joint events. The 21st century is the era of network and the rapid development of the network technology, so that various network media are constantly new, the information transmission is more personalized and the mode of communication becomes diversified, so the media selection habit and the consumption behavior mode of the people are greatly In response, this also makes the marketing communication environment change, and the traditional marketing model can't meet the need of the time development At the same time, due to the rapid increase of the number of Internet users in our country, the spread of network information is not restricted by space-time, the target is outstanding and the interactive communication is strong and so on, so that the use of the network has become a choice for many industries. Alternative, and this just caters to the need to use the network for marketing communications In addition, while some of that organizer of the festival have been concerned about the positive role of the network in the marketing and dissemination of festival events, the effect is not very clear by the creation of an official business marketing website and the use of a variety of network media to promote and disseminate. The actual operation of the network marketing communication has not been played It is found that most of the research focuses on the economic and social impact of the event, the motivation of the tourism and the mode of the operation of the festival. In recent years, although some research has been focused on the importance of the network for the marketing of festival activities, the research on the marketing and communication of the events is carried out on the basis of the theory of the whole marketing communication. Therefore, in the background of the rapid development of the network and the great changes brought about by the network, this paper, based on the current situation of the development of the current events and activities, introduces the theory of the whole marketing and communication, The whole-in-one marketing communication model of the network, which is suitable for joint-event activities, is to be constructed, and it is hoped that the festival organizer can be used for reference and reference to the festival marketing. The study is mainly divided into the following six parts: and mainly comprises the following steps of: The first part is the introduction. It mainly includes the research background, the theory and the practical significance, the research method and the research. The thought and process of the study; The second part is a review of the literature. The related concepts and the research status of the whole marketing and communication, the marketing and communication of the whole network, the related concepts and the research status of the research are analyzed and analyzed in order to find the research direction of this paper, that is, the advantages and characteristics of the network are used to carry out the activities of the festival. The whole marketing and dissemination of the line network; the third part is the theoretical foundation of the whole marketing communication model for the construction of the node-event active network The basic part of the theory is based on the analysis of the theory of brand location, the theory of communication and the decision-making process of consumer behavior. The sample of the festival activity is collected, and on the basis of this, the present situation of the development of China's festival activities is analyzed, and then the marketing communication is carried out from the events of the festival. the importance of the analysis; the fourth part is based on the theoretical basis On the basis of the analysis of the real basis, first, the brand position of the whole marketing and distribution of the joint events is analyzed, and then, according to the "5W" propagation mode, the festival organizer, the festival consumer and the joint of the construction model are analyzed. This paper analyzes the five factors, such as the whole marketing media, the content of the whole marketing and the marketing and the effect of the whole marketing, and introduces the behavior pattern of the consumer behavior of the ASAS network, and then builds the joint based on the model. The fifth part, based on the marketing and promotion of the festival events in Hong Kong as a case, analyzes the five elements of the construction model, and provides some other events The sixth part of this paper sums up the conclusions of this paper, and points out the creation of this paper.


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