本文关键词:农发行支持新疆棉花生产与经营的路径与对策研究 出处:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As China's largest cotton planting area of Xinjiang, in the aspect of cotton has a great advantage, all the cotton yield were ranked first in the country, has made great contributions to the development of the cotton industry and textile industry. As the agricultural policy financial institutions of China Agricultural Development Bank Chinese, since its inception, the gradual optimization service, vigorously support the development of agriculture. The agricultural policy financial support areas gradually extended, now throughout the cotton industry chain in many aspects, and support continuous improvement. ADBC, different aspects of the rural credit cooperatives and the Agricultural Bank in the cotton industry chain to a different degree of support, in the acquisition of agricultural circulation, the dominant issue this paper mainly studies analysis support on the cotton industry of agricultural issue, in order to adjust and improve the agricultural development in the cotton industry service quality and ensure the agricultural release information Gold safety. ADBC duty determines its service object and scope, with the changing market conditions, explore the support of Xinjiang cotton production and management of critical path. Firstly, the agricultural policy finance to do a detailed understanding, from domestic to foreign concept to the theory to do a detailed explanation of the the content distribution in the second chapter, the third chapter. In the fourth chapter, the author through the 4 months internship in the agricultural development bank to support the status quo of Xinjiang cotton industry to do a detailed summary of the Agricultural Development Bank, on the basis of thinking in the analysis of the current situation and problems, are summed up the agricultural development bank to support the cotton industry problems in the process. The fifth chapter is the establishment and application of the cotton market price index model of ADBC. Forecast the market price of cotton to guide the agricultural issue related to the letter The loan, reduce credit risk, ensure the safety of credit funds, at the same time, can also play the economic behavior adjustment related market role, improve enterprise efficiency and the enthusiasm of farmers, make our country in the international cotton market status gradually improved. The sixth chapter in front of all studies based on the proposed path support the cotton industry and the corresponding countermeasures of agricultural issue.
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