本文选题:街头官僚理论 + 村组干部精准扶贫政策 ; 参考:《青海社会科学》2017年04期
[Abstract]:The village cadre is the actual person who carries out the accurate poverty alleviation policy in our country. After examining the theory of street bureaucrats, it is found that under the rural field, village cadres hold considerable space for policy making because of their discretionary power, which leads to the distortion of the implementation of the policy of precision poverty alleviation in rural areas. It shows some abnormal performance, such as precision identification and replacement execution of poverty alleviation objects, symbolic execution of precise arrangement of poverty alleviation projects, concealment execution of poverty alleviation funds, and precision of poverty alleviation measures to household additional execution. The main reasons that affect the implementation of the precision poverty alleviation policy of village cadres are the richness of the policy itself, the low comprehensive quality of village cadres, the complexity of the policy implementation environment under the rural field, and so on. In view of this, it is proposed to establish local norms. To improve the comprehensive quality of village cadres, to strengthen policy publicity and improve the mechanism of incentive and supervision, and other policy recommendations, in order to find a way to manage the implementation of the policy of accurate poverty alleviation in rural areas in the new period.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学法学院;
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