本文选题:农业可持续发展 + 评价体系 ; 参考:《仲恺农业工程学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The sustainable development of agriculture is the best scheme of agricultural development in the present stage. It is the basic guarantee to improve the harmonious unity and progress of society, economy, resources and environment. It is the focal point of the construction of new countryside and the essential constituent factor of the construction of harmonious society. Heyuan City has always been the traditional agricultural city of Guangdong Province. For a long time, it has made gratifying achievements in agricultural development by virtue of its very superior natural geographical conditions and abundant natural resources. However, there are still some bottlenecks in the agricultural development of Heyuan City, and resource constraints can not be improved. Based on the full investigation and understanding of the present situation of agricultural and rural development in Heyuan City, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the agricultural sustainable development ability of Heyuan City, and makes use of the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). This paper evaluates the ability of agricultural sustainable development in Heyuan city, finds out the favorable conditions and obstacles existing in the sustainable development of agriculture in Heyuan city, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to promote the sustainable development of agriculture in Heyuan city. In this paper, the evaluation index system of agricultural sustainable development of Heyuan city is constructed from five aspects of economy, society, resources, environment and population, and each subsystem and comprehensive sustainable development ability of agriculture are evaluated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results show that the agricultural sustainable development ability of Heyuan city is improving year by year. By observing the subsystems of agricultural sustainable development in Heyuan City, we find that the subsystems of economy, society and population are on the rise, but the subsystems of resources and environment are developing in the opposite direction. It shows that the sustainable development of agriculture in Heyuan City still has internal uncoordinated factors. Secondly, through comprehensive analysis of evaluation index system, the favorable conditions and restrictive factors for the development of sustainable agriculture in Heyuan City are found out. The development of agricultural water conservancy, the development of agricultural mechanization, the construction of agricultural base, the development of agricultural industrialization and the improvement of farmers' income have all laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of agriculture. The agricultural industrial structure of Heyuan City is backward, the science and technology content is low, the water resources and land resources are lacking, the environment is deteriorating, and so on, which seriously restricts the sustainable development of the agriculture in Heyuan City. Finally, in view of the problems in the agricultural development of Heyuan City, the countermeasures are put forward for the sustainable agricultural development of Heyuan City. It mainly includes: enhancing government participation, developing agricultural mechanization through various channels, adjusting agricultural industrial structure, implementing science and technology to promote agriculture, protecting agricultural ecological environment, controlling population, etc.
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