本文选题:农村 + 土地承包经营权 ; 参考:《农业现代化研究》2017年03期
[Abstract]:In the period of comprehensive deepening of rural reform, it is of great significance to study the influence of the right of contracted management of rural land on the transfer of land, to improve the current policy of confirming the right to land, to promote the circulation of rural land and to develop modern agriculture. Based on the field investigation of land ownership and land circulation in 6 regions of Hubei Province, this paper analyzes whether the confirmed right and the satisfaction degree of confirming right have an impact on the transfer and transfer of farmers by using probit model and Logistic model. This paper discusses the influence of the right of rural land contract management on land circulation. The results show that in the sample data of 75.56%, the marginal effect of farmers' participation in land circulation is increased by 14.0%, and the registration and issuance of rural contracted land right can significantly promote the transfer of agricultural land, but has no significant impact on the conversion of agricultural land. The high satisfaction degree of land confirmation rights increases the marginal effect of farmers' participation in land circulation by 16.4. the satisfaction degree of the registration and issuance of rural contracted land confirmed rights has a significant impact on the transfer and transfer of farmland. The influence of the right of rural land contract management on the land circulation is influenced by the social and economic characteristics such as the landform condition of the village, the family characteristics such as the area of contracted cultivated land, and the personal characteristics of the main work, but there are some differences in the degree of influence. Therefore, we can take measures to promote the orderly circulation of rural land, such as strengthening propaganda and guidance, promoting the satisfaction of land certification, strengthening the skill training of farmers, and perfecting rural infrastructure construction.
【作者单位】: 华中农业大学经济管理学院/农村社会建设与管理研究中心;
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