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发布时间:2019-01-04 14:59
[Abstract]:With the development of the new collective forest right system reform, more and more attention has been paid to the forest land circulation. The existing empirical research on woodland circulation is almost the farmer level research, lack of market level research. This study analyzes the market structure and causes of forestland circulation from the perspective of market, in order to reveal the regularity of forestland circulation market and enrich the literature of forestland circulation research. And to provide reference for future research. In this paper, the theoretical framework of market structure analysis of forestland circulation is constructed based on the whole market perspective, which provides the theoretical basis for the quantitative research below. Secondly, taking Tonggu County of Jiangxi Province as the research area, this paper clarifies the basic characteristics of the local forest land circulation and the current situation of the circulation market, including the subject of the circulation, the composition of the circulation object and its proportion in the circulation market, the basic situation of the circulation mode and so on. Explore the problems of local circulation market. Thirdly, using the method of comparative analysis, the paper makes a quantitative study on the characteristics of forestland resources and the circulation mode of different subjects, and uses Logit model to determine the causes of the differences. The research shows that the individual subjects prefer the forestland with long term; in terms of the circulation mode, the institutional subject unanimously chooses the in-field circulation, while the individual subject has a diversity of the choice of the circulation mode. Fourthly, based on the view of land plots, Logit model is used to analyze the influencing factors of circulation behavior, to determine the influence of the main body characteristics, the characteristics of forest resources, the characteristics of farmers' forest management, the institutional and policy factors and the market factors on the circulation behavior. The results showed that the characteristics of woodland resources and farmers' forest management had the most significant influence on the forest land circulation behavior. Fifthly, use case analysis, comparative analysis and Logit model to analyze the future circulation intention and influencing factors of the main body, and judge the development trend of the forestland circulation market. The study shows that there is a strong willingness to transfer in the future, while the characteristics of farmers and market factors have the most significant influence on the willingness of individual subject to transfer. Based on the above research and analysis, this paper puts forward the following suggestions for the development of forestland circulation market in the study area: first, to develop the circulation market and to expand intermediary services; second, to formulate a scientific and reasonable circulation system; Third, increase the propaganda of forestry policy; fourth, perfect the supporting measures of forest land circulation; fifth, establish and perfect forest land circulation market.


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