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发布时间:2019-01-05 06:58
[Abstract]:[objective] to encourage farmers to expand woody grain and oil planting area, improve production efficiency and alleviate grain and oil safety are the main objectives of woody grain and oil subsidy policy. To determine the effect of woody grain and oil subsidy policy in the main production province, and to build a theoretical model from the perspective of farmers' behavior response to verify the policy effect, which is helpful to explore the implementation effect of woody grain and oil subsidy policy and its theoretical mechanism. In order to establish a more targeted and more efficient woody grain and oil subsidy policy to provide a scientific basis. [methods] first of all, based on the investigation and research method, combing the main content of woody grain and oil subsidy policy; Secondly, by using the method of interview and questionnaire, the paper investigates the implementation of subsidy policy and the development of industry in Woody grain and oil production province, and concludes the actual effect of woody grain and oil subsidy policy. On this basis, the woody grain and oil market is regarded as a completely competitive market, and a theoretical model is constructed to analyze the effects of woody grain and oil subsidy policies on market equilibrium, on farmers of different sizes and on production efficiency. By differentiating the scale of woody grain and oil growers, the effects of woody grain and oil subsidy policy on the production behavior and production efficiency of different scale planters are studied. [results] 1) after the implementation of woody grain and oil subsidy policy, the planting area of woody grain and oil increased significantly in the main planting areas. 2) Chinese chestnut, jujube, walnut, Chinese chestnut, jujube and walnut, The market prices of most woody grain and oil products, such as Camellia oleifera, have shown a downward trend. 3) the number of new types of forestry management organizations for woody grain and oil has increased, and the scale of single-family cultivation has expanded. The concentration effect of scale is obvious. 4) it is difficult to effectively improve the problem of "heavy construction and light pipe", which is mainly aimed at the one-off fund subsidy of planting area. The effect of increasing the productivity of woody grain and oil is limited. 5) against the background of increasing agricultural subsidy standard and afforestation cost, The low standard of woody grain and oil subsidy and the lack of timely adjustment weaken the incentive effect. [conclusion] 1) Woody grain and oil subsidy policy has positive effect on enlarging the scale of woody grain and oil planting, and it is necessary to continue to implement woody grain and oil subsidy policy. However, the continuity of subsidy should be realized, and the subsidy for low yield forest transformation should be inclined to small scale growers. 2) the policy of woody grain and oil subsidy, which is based on afforestation subsidy, leads to "heavy construction and light pipe", which has limited effect on improving the productivity of woody grain and oil. The forestry subsidy policy should be gradually adjusted from afforestation subsidy to tending management subsidy. 3) too high minimum subsidy area or too low subsidy standard should result in the reduction of planting scale and the loss of welfare of small-scale growers. The production link subsidy policy, which is only linked to the planting area, should expand the channel of fund source and raise the subsidy standard. 4) the production efficiency of large-scale growers is lower than that of small-scale growers, and the moderate scale management should be guided by the setting of subsidy conditions. Increase marginal productivity.
【作者单位】: 福建农林大学经济学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(71403053) 国家社科基金重大项目(16ZDA024) 福建省自然科学基金项目(2017J01791)


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