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发布时间:2019-02-26 08:56
[Abstract]:Heilongjiang Beidahuang Rice Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company), is a leading state leader in agricultural industrialization, headquartered in the beautiful ice city of Harbin. The company ranks in the forefront of the national rice processing industry, was selected as the first batch of grain and oil demonstration enterprises, for many years in a row, "China's industrial industry leader." The company has passed the ISO9001,ISO14001 and ISO22000 quality environmental food safety international standard system certification, has the obvious scale, the base, the brand, the technology and the green product superiority. Beidahuang brand value reached 45.162 billion yuan. Entrusted by the Beidahuang Rice Industry Group, to study the development of the Beidahuang Group, hoping that through the planning of the development strategy of the Beidahuang Rice Industry, the Group will realize the enterprise vision of the modern internationalized grain industry group focusing on rice processing. "deepening reform, building the system, integrating industry and trade, and sprint ten billion" as the development goal, with the best development environment, excellent service efficiency, to accommodate the wise and talented, people of insight, gathered eight Fang Zhi strength, blooming the hope of win-win results. This article carries on the analysis and the research from the five parts, through the analysis of the present situation of production, purchase and sale, management and management of Beidahuang Rice Industry Group, master the main problems in the development process of the Beidahuang Rice Industry Group, and then develop the internal and external environment in the enterprise. Conduct a detailed analysis of the industry environment and competitors to understand the opportunities and threats faced by the enterprise, as well as the advantages and potential opportunities of the enterprise itself, and formulate practical and diversified development strategies for the enterprise in terms of reform, operation and innovation. Finally, on the basis of solving the original problems, strengthen the business operation, do the firm management, do the big enterprise brand, in order to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.


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