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发布时间:2019-03-04 09:20
[Abstract]:The main purpose of the registration and issuance of the right to confirm the right of the contracted management of rural land is to consolidate the great development situation in the countryside, improve the basic rural management system, protect the legitimate rights and interests of peasants' land, and improve the rural governance system. We will promote rapid, stable and harmonious development of all undertakings in rural areas. At present, our country rural area land management still stays in the relatively backward, the more traditional management pattern and the management idea, urgently needs to rely on the modern geographical information related technology, the active construction rural land management related special topic database, Continuously improve and improve the level and quality of land management in rural areas, so as to ensure scientific, effective and reasonable land management. By establishing the registration database of rural land contractual management right and realizing the information management of farmers' contract data and materials, it can not only dispel the peasants' concern about the ownership disputes arising from the rural land transfer, but also realize the information management of farmers' contract data and materials. It also provides the clearest and most primitive important data for resolving the disputes of land contracting and management, and provides the most effective and firm foundation for resolving these contradictions in rural areas. This paper is mainly based on the practice of rural land contractual management right registration and certification in Shiquan County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, starting from the theory of total quality control and spatial data quality. This paper takes the registration database of rural land contractual management right as the subject of analysis and exploration. The main content of this research includes the process of database construction. According to the characteristics of rural land contractual management right registration database, the existing quality problems are analyzed, and the methods and means of quality control are discussed. On this basis, the quality control of the rural land contractual management right registration database is divided into two parts: the data before entering the database and the data in the process of the quality control. And the specific quality control methods and measures of land ownership database are studied. Finally, taking the database construction of rural land contractual management right registration as an example, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the quality control measures taken in the actual work, and evaluates the quality of the database. The main results are as follows: (1) in order to meet the quality requirements of the registration database of the rural land contractual management right, the theory of total quality management is introduced, which is scientific and reasonable for the quality control and evaluation of the database. Continuously optimize the various work processes of land management, continuously improve the efficiency of all work management, and ensure that the work related to the registration and issuance of the right to confirm the right to the contractual management of rural land in China is gradually moving towards a scientific and information-based approach. Systematic development. (2) according to the idea of data quality process control, find out the links that are prone to problems in the various stages of database building process, investigate the ownership in the field, and deal with the data in the internal business. Through careful analysis and investigation, we set up a number of reasonable, efficient and scientific quality monitoring nodes, and then put forward effective solutions to specific issues. And the above-mentioned solutions to actively carry out various practices and practical operations, effectively and effectively solve the quality problems, and to a certain extent to optimize and upgrade the construction process of the database of land rights, Then the data quality is guaranteed to the maximum extent. (3) the method of combining weighted average and defect deduction points is adopted to select the appropriate quality evaluation index and formulate the database quality evaluation standard which accords with the actual situation. This paper makes a scientific, effective and systematic evaluation on the data management and data quality related to the registration of the right to confirm the right of the contracted management of rural land in Shiquan County. According to the established relevant theories, the final conclusion is given to the evaluation of the database.


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