[Abstract]:This paper studies the present situation, advantages and existing problems of the edible mushroom industry in Guangling County by visiting, investigating and consulting a lot of relevant data, and puts forward the countermeasures of the next step in the light of the present situation of the edible mushroom industry in Guangling County. The contents and results of the main research are as follows:1. The present situation and characteristics of the edible mushroom industry in Guangling County are analyzed. The edible mushroom industry of the county is under the high priority of the county and county governments and the strong support of the policy, and the whole county's edible mushroom industry has been developed rapidly. The production of edible fungi has gradually been jointly produced by several rural professional cooperatives, with a large scale of rural professional cooperatives, and several large-scale colony companies and edible fungus industry to the pillar-type industry transformation and development. from the traditional seasonal cultivation to the annual cultivation and production development of the anti-season, from the traditional and single cultivation production to the three-dimensional and high-efficiency mode development, the production of the edible fungus is gradually developed into the present ten types by the original one and two kinds: The edible fungus industry is gradually changed from the quantity to the quality. According to the SWOT analysis, the development of the edible fungus in Guangling County has the advantages of ecology, location, labor resource, means of production, green brand, etc. The organization of the industry is not high, the unified management is lacking, the driving ability of the leading enterprise is not fully exerted, the initiative of the farmers to grow the edible fungi is not high, the development of the edible fungi is more, the support of the government departments is unprecedented, and even the situation of pushing the farmers to advance, The consumption of edible fungi is increasing every year; there are the development disadvantages of weak labor, low product quality and low quality of the workers.3. In the light of the current development of the edible mushroom industry in the county, the countermeasures and the development direction of the problem are put forward in the light of the actual situation of the Guangling County. Further play the industry-driven role of the leading enterprise; extend the industry chain of fresh-keeping and deep-processing; based on the local environment and the resource advantage, reasonably plan the industrial structure; train high-quality professional farmers; play the role of the agricultural demonstration area and create a green product brand; The rational exploitation and utilization of the wild edible fungus resources; and the promotion of the government in the development of the industry.
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