[Abstract]:It is of great significance to analyze the influence of cognition of safe agricultural products on consumption decision-making and the differences in different groups in order to improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products market. In this paper, 754 consumers with basic cognition of safe agricultural products were investigated by questionnaire. Based on the consumer cognitive behavior model and tendency score matching method, the differences of the influence of cognition of safe agricultural products on consumer products and channel choice were analyzed. The empirical study shows that the influence of high safety agricultural products cognition on the choice of modern circulation channels is stronger than that on product choice, and the influence degree of each group is also quite different. On the whole, consumers with high awareness will not trust certified agricultural products more, and have a more neutral attitude towards product safety. However, they are more willing to choose direct marketing channels and try to buy more online. After dividing the consumer group according to age and educational background, it is found that the group under 40 years old and the group with college education and below significantly trust the certified product, while the consumers aged 40 and over and with bachelor's degree or above do not show significant trust in the certified product, and the group with 30 years of age and 39 years old and the group with undergraduate degree pay more attention to the safety attribute of agricultural products than other groups. 40 groups aged 49 years old and groups with bachelor degree are significantly willing to choose direct marketing channels, while other groups rarely show significant willingness. Groups under 30 years of age and graduate education groups will try online shopping more, while other age groups and academic levels do not have a significant online shopping tendency. Finally, the paper suggests that more attention should be paid to the construction of modern agricultural products circulation channels in the development of safe agricultural products market.
【作者单位】: 湖南农业大学;北京市农村经济研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金青年项目“农产品供应链中主体间质量安全信息传递机理研究”(71403087) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目“农产品流通变革中直销模式的形成和发展机制研究”(13YBA166) 中国博士后科学基金项目“批发市场主导下的农产品质量安全信息传递行为研究”(2016M590743)
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