发布时间:2018-01-02 20:05
本文关键词:中国保险业区域发展及影响因素研究 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 保险业发展 保险基准深度比 面板数据模型 分位数回归
【摘要】:随着中国工业化、城镇化进程的不断加快,社会多元化趋势的继续发展,人民群众保险需求日趋多样,国内保险市场容量持续扩大,中国保险业得到稳步快速发展。然而,在保险业快速发展的同时,也不可避免的积累了一些矛盾和问题,其中比较严重的便是保险业区域间存在较大差异,而差异过大不利于有效的市场竞争格局的形成,很容易导致区域间发展的不均衡,对中国保险业持续、健康、快速发展产生不利影响。在这样的背景下,深入研究中国保险业区域发展的现状及影响因素,对于实现中国保险业区域均衡发展,进而实现社会全面、协调和可持续发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文在前人研究的基础上,详细描述了保险业区域发展的现状,理论和实证分析了中国保险市场区域发展的影响因素,积极探索了促进中国保险业区域均衡发展的路径。写作总共分为五章,第一章为绪论,主要概述了写作该论文的背景及意义,研究思路及框架、可能有的创新点及不足之处等;第二章为文献综述,在阅读大量国内外文献的基础上,整理了国内关于保险业区域发展的相应研究,并且由于发达国家很少有专门针对保险区域发展的相关研究,因此,综述了国外有关区域经济的均衡发展研究,也为本文论述保险市场区域发展提供了一定的参考;第三章为中国保险业区域发展的现状分析,主要基于省际视角,从静态和动态的角度量化分析了中国各个省份的保险市场在保费收入、保险密度、保险深度以及保险基准深度比等方面的具体差异;第四章为中国保险市场区域发展的影响因素分析,本章兼顾定量与定性研究,在对中国保险市场区域发展的影响因素作了定性归纳的基础上,结合计量经济学的方法实证研究了中国保险业区域发展的影响因素,并对其影响程度作了量化分析;第五章为结论及政策建议,本章结合前几章的分析结果探索性地提出了实现中国保险市场区域均衡发展的相关政策建议。 本文的研究在理论层面上拓宽了保险经济理论的视野,为保险市场发展提供了更为精确的研究途径。在现实层面上有利于调节保险产品的供需平衡,促进保险和经济之间的良性互动,维护社会稳定。综上,本文的研究结果无论对于保险业还是整个国民经济都是大有好处的。
[Abstract]:With China industrialization, the urbanization process is accelerating, the continued development of diversified trend of society, people's insurance demand is becoming more and more diverse, the capacity of the domestic insurance market continues to expand, China insurance industry has been developing fast and steadily. However, with the rapid development of the insurance industry at the same time, it has accumulated some contradictions and problems, the more serious is there is a big difference between the regional insurance industry, but the difference is too large is not conducive to the effective market competition pattern, can easily lead to inter regional development is not balanced, sustainable, to China the health insurance industry, the rapid development of adverse effects. In this background, current situation and influencing factors of in-depth study of regional China insurance the development of the industry, to realize the balanced development of regional China insurance industry, so as to realize the society, has important theoretical and practical significance for the harmonious and sustainable development.
On the basis of previous research, a detailed description of the current situation of the insurance industry in regional development, theoretical and empirical analysis of the influencing factors of regional development Chinese insurance market, and actively explore the path of promoting regional balanced development of the insurance industry. Chinese writing is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of writing in this paper, research ideas and framework, possible innovation and shortcomings; the second chapter is literature review, based on reading a large number of domestic and foreign literature, sorts the corresponding domestic research on regional development of the insurance industry, and because the developed countries have little related research, specifically for the insurance of regional development therefore, review foreign regional economic balanced development research, also provides some reference for the development of the insurance market in this area is discussed; the third chapter is Chinese insurance industry regional development The analysis of the present situation, mainly based on the provincial perspective, from the perspective of the static and dynamic quantitative analysis China all the provinces of the insurance market in premium income, insurance density, insurance depth and insurance and other aspects of the specific reference depth ratio difference; analysis of factors affecting the fourth chapter China insurance market regional development, this chapter is both quantitative and qualitative research that made influence on the regional development in the Chinese insurance market on the basis of qualitative induction, studied the influencing factors of regional China development of the insurance industry with empirical econometric method, and the influence degree of the quantitative analysis; the fifth chapter is the conclusion and policy suggestions, this chapter combines the analysis of the previous chapters results put forward relevant policy suggestions to achieve the balanced development of regional China insurance market.
This study broadens the economic theory of insurance on the theoretical level, for the development of the insurance market to provide a more accurate approach. In reality the balance in favor of adjusting supply and demand of insurance products, promote the benign interaction between insurance and economy, and maintain social stability. In summary, the results of this study both for insurance industry is the national economy are big benefits.
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