发布时间:2018-01-07 08:43
本文关键词:中国对南亚国家贸易影响因素研究 出处:《云南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:经济全球化和区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的两大趋势。南盟的建立和发展顺应时代潮流,中国应当积极发展与南亚市场的友好关系,促进双边贸易发展。南亚区域市场潜力巨大,是金融危机之后推动世界经济复苏和发展的重要引擎之一。 印度是南亚占地面积最广、人口最多的国家,另外该区域还包括尼泊尔、不丹、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫六国。讲中国与南亚的贸易,可以追溯到中国与印度的经济往来。中国与印度自古便有往来,古代北有“丝绸之路”,连接中亚地区直达南亚次大陆。南有“南方丝绸之路”,起自四川,通过云南、缅甸,到达印度。还有“海上丝绸之路”,可通往印度。 本文通过理论和相关文献回顾,介绍中国与南亚国家贸易现状以及贸易中可能存在的障碍,利用数据检验中国对南亚国家的出口与中国国民生产总值、南亚国家国民生产总值、各国人均生产总值、世界向南亚国家的直接投资、人民币兑美元名义汇率、地理空间距离、南亚国家对外开放度等因素的相关关系。数据来源于世界各大统计网站和统计年鉴、投资公报等,利用可得数据通过经典引力模型,线性回归等方式,度量和分析了各因素对中国对南亚国家贸易出口影响程度。明白这些因素的重要性和次重要性,对于促进我国与南亚国家的进出口贸易、优化我国进出口结构、提升贸易国家的国际竞争力和经济实力、加强中国与南亚地区国家区域经济合作和交流,有非常重要的意义。 中国与南亚国家之间的贸易情况以及南亚国家自由贸易区的建立,一直以来都是中国和南亚国家学者、以及世界各国相关领域研究者研究的重点,但是研究成果目前并不多。在长时间的中国与南亚贸易中,中国处于顺差状态,,贸易关系有张有驰。研究中国与南亚国家贸易影响因素对于促进中国与南亚国家经济发展有重要作用,同时有利于推动中国与南亚区域合作联盟各国的区域经济合作、区域经济增长以及南亚区域各国经济发展。
[Abstract]:Economic globalization and regional economic integration are the two major trends in the development of the world economy. The establishment and development of the SAARC follow the trend of the times, China shall actively develop friendly relations with South Asia market, promote the development of bilateral trade. South Asian regional market has great potential, is one of the important engine after the financial crisis and promote world economic recovery and development.
India is the most extensive area of South Asia, the most populous country in the region, also including Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives six. Chinese trade with South Asia, can be traced back to Chinese economic ties with India. China and India has contacts, ancient North "Silk Road" the direct connection of Central Asia, the subcontinent. The South "Southern Silk Road", from Sichuan, through Yunnan, Burma, arrived in India. And the "maritime Silk Road", leading to India.
In this paper, through the theory and literature review, introduces the possible obstacles Chinese and current situation of South Asian countries trade and trade, we use data to test the Chinese exports to South Asian countries and South Asian countries China GDP, GDP, per capita GDP of the world countries, to direct investment in South Asian countries, the nominal exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar, geography the space distance, correlation between the degree of openness and other factors to South Asian countries. Data from the world each big website statistics and statistical yearbook, investment bulletin, using the available data by classical gravity model, linear regression method, the measurement and analysis of the various factors on the extent of China influence on South Asian countries trade. Understand the importance of these factors the time and the importance for the promotion of China's and South Asian countries import and export trade, optimize China's import and export trade structure, promote the country It is of great significance to strengthen the regional economic cooperation and exchange between China and the countries of South Asia.
The establishment of trade between Chinese and South Asian countries and South Asian Free Trade Area, has been Chinese and South Asian countries and scholars, focusing on research related field all over the world, but the results of the present study is not much. In the long time of Chinese and South Asia trade, China in surplus, trade relations Zhang Youchi. Research on Influence Factors of national trade China and South Asia has an important role for the promotion of Chinese and South Asian countries in economic development, and is conducive to the regional economy and promote China SAARC countries cooperation, regional economic growth and regional economic development of countries.
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