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发布时间:2018-02-10 21:21

  本文关键词: 沪皖地区 人力资源开发 对策 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“企业或事业惟一真正的资源是人,管理就是充分开发人力资源以做好工作”,美国知名学者托马斯·彼得斯曾这样说。从这句话可以看出,从微观角度看待人,人是企业最宝贵的资源,从宏观维度上讲,人力资源是一省乃至全球最珍贵的财富。人力资源拥有社会性与能动性等特征,是社会发展的重要推动力。中国是人口大国,而非人力资源强国。随着全球一体化,全国化以及区域一体化等的提出,区域协调发展是国际形势发展的必然要求,因此在人力资源协同开发领域的研究显得迫切紧要。 2014年中国省域竞争力蓝皮书指出区域协调发展取得新的进展。从区域社会经济发展来看,在“十二五”中期,我国区域经济整体上出现稳定的增长态势,东部地区发展速度慢于中西部地区,虽然区域间仍存在较大差距,但相对差距有所缩小。区域内人均生产总值增长率呈现“东低西高”。相继出台了一系列区域性发展规划和省级主体功能区规划,同时催生了一些区域发展新的增长极,相应的增强了区域协调发展能力。中国的三大区域:长三角区域、泛珠三角区域、环渤海区域等的协调发展研究为本文研究的背景做了很好的铺垫。构建从区域到省以及城市之间的合作开发战略,实现地区共同发展。着力建立起人力资源开发与合作交流的信息资源贯彻机制、自然基金和重点项目开发合作机制以及政府人力资源管理部门合作开发机制。有效结合智力、资本、项目等要素与通过培训开发一批人才,推动区域经济社会发展的合作项目,形成区域内或区域间相互促进、协同发展的人力资源开发工作格局。最终通过全方位、多层次推进区域人力资源交流与合作,形成全国统一、开放的人力资源服务合作体系。 文章主要研究对象为后加入长三角区域的安徽省以及长三角区域龙头城市上海市,人力资源差异较大而又同属于长三角区域,因此研究二者之间的协同开发与合作战略具有很大的现实意义。本文主要分析了两地人力资源总体情况,透视存在的问题,从而总结各自人力资源具有的优劣势,比较优劣势得出结论,需要考虑从四个方面构建人力资源协同开发机制。加强两地的教育合作,促进企业人才交流,统一人力资源市场制度,明确沪皖地区政府合作的重要性,这是实现区域协调发展的可行路径。本研究的六大部分,绪论部分是对研究的背景、内容、意义、方法、思路以及创新等的概述。第二部分是理论基础与文献综述。第三部分至第五部分是本文的研究主体,全面分析两省市的人力资源总体情况、存在的问题、优劣势以及构建合作机制可行性与必要性,最后从政府、企业、高校、人才市场等四个维度进行构思。文章的结尾提出了总结性的结论与研究展望,希望能够为后续的研究提供新的视角。
[Abstract]:"the only real resource for an enterprise or a business is people, and management is the full development of human resources to do a good job," Thomas Peters, a well-known American scholar, once said. Human resources are the most precious resources of enterprises. From the macro dimension, human resources are the most precious wealth in a province or even in the world. Human resources have the characteristics of sociality and initiative, and are the important driving force of social development. China is a country with a large population. With the development of global integration, nationalization and regional integration, regional coordinated development is the inevitable requirement of the development of the international situation, so the research in the field of human resources cooperative development is urgent. The 2014 blue book on China's provincial competitiveness points out that new progress has been made in regional coordinated development. From the point of view of regional social and economic development, in the middle of the 12th Five-Year Plan, China's regional economy as a whole showed a stable growth trend. The development of the eastern region is slower than that of the central and western regions, although there is still a large gap between the regions. However, the relative gap has narrowed. The growth rate of per capita GDP in the region is "low in the east and high in the west". A series of regional development plans and plans for the provincial mainstay functional areas have been issued one after another, and at the same time, some new growth poles have been created for the development of some regions. China's three major regions: the Yangtze River Delta region, the Pan Pearl River Delta region, The research on coordinated development of the Bohai Rim region makes a good foundation for the background of this paper. The cooperative development strategy from the region to the province and between the cities is constructed. To realize the common development of the region, to establish the information resources implementation mechanism of human resources development and cooperation and exchange, the cooperation mechanism of nature funds and key projects, and the cooperative development mechanism of government human resources management departments. Capital, projects and other elements and through the training and development of a number of talents to promote regional economic and social development of cooperation projects, forming a regional or interregional mutual promotion, coordinated development of human resources development work pattern. Multi-level regional human resources exchange and cooperation to form a unified and open cooperation system of human resources services. The main research object of this paper is Anhui Province, which joined the Yangtze River Delta region, and Shanghai, the leading city of the Yangtze River Delta region. The human resources are different and belong to the Yangtze River Delta region. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the cooperative development and cooperation strategy between them. This paper mainly analyzes the overall situation of human resources in both places, analyzes the existing problems, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of their respective human resources. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages, the author concludes that it is necessary to consider the establishment of a cooperative development mechanism of human resources from four aspects, to strengthen the educational cooperation between the two places, to promote the exchange of talents in enterprises, to unify the human resources market system, and to clarify the importance of the cooperation between the governments of Shanghai and Anhui. This is the feasible way to realize the coordinated development of the region. The six parts of this study, the introduction part, are the background, content, significance, method of the research. The second part is the theoretical basis and literature review. The third to 5th parts are the main body of this paper, the overall situation of human resources in the two provinces and cities, existing problems, The advantages and disadvantages and the feasibility and necessity of constructing the cooperation mechanism are finally conceived from the four dimensions of government, enterprise, university and talent market. At the end of the article, the conclusion and research prospect are put forward. Hope to provide a new perspective for the follow-up study.


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