本文选题:职业院校 切入点:经营实体 出处:《职教论坛》2016年15期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:At present, the overall development of school-enterprise cooperation in vocational colleges is in the primary stage. There are many problems in the process of school-enterprise cooperation, such as imperfect operation management mechanism, insufficient depth and breadth of school-enterprise cooperation, inability of cooperative enterprise to develop and expand continuously. The division of responsibility, power and interest in cooperation is vague and lack of system guarantee; Vocational colleges and universities have come to realize the urgency and importance of implementing the school-run entity model. There are three common business entity development models, which are "firewall" development model. The development model of discipline corporation system, the development model of university science and technology park. Vocational colleges should adopt corresponding development model according to their own development strategy. It is necessary to establish and perfect the rules and regulations of the school-run operating entity, to solve the contradiction between the cost and cost of accepting interns and the profit of the enterprise, and to innovate and perfect the operating mechanism of the school-run operational entity.
【作者单位】: 巴音郭楞职业技术学院;
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