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发布时间:2018-03-24 11:25

  本文选题:生态文明 切入点:西部地区 出处:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:产业转移是带动产业结构调整升级、经济内涵式发展,促进区域经济和谐发展的重要途径。在新一轮的产业转移浪潮和中央全力推进西部大开发战略的机遇下,西部地区如何抓住机遇实施赶超战略就变得十分紧迫。党的十八大把“生态文明”建设放在突出位置,提出把生态文明建设融入到经济、政治、文化和社会建设的全过程。但是西部地区在承接产业转移的过程中付出了资源耗竭和环境恶化的严重代价,因此在生态文明视域下进行西部承接产业转移的价值实现机理研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文在查阅、借鉴中外理论界相关研究成果和实地调查的基础上,对西部承接产业转移的价值实现机理进行了初步探讨。文章主要包括四个部分: 第一部分:以“生态文明”、“产业转移”、“价值”为理论出发点;同时采用SWOT的分析方法,对当前西部承接产业转移具有的优势、劣势以及面临的机遇、挑战进行综合分析,进而梳理出制约西部承接产业转移的四大因素,并以此作为研究的现实出发点。 第二部分:根据西部承接产业转移过程中面临的五大关键性制约因素并结合理论界关于价值的维度划分,将本文的价值定位为:第一,生态价值,着眼于生态文明视域下西部承接产业转移中取得的生态效应;第二,核心价值,即西部承接产业转移对地区经济发展带来的经济效应;第三,战略价值,即对西部地区未来发展的社会效应。 第三部分:根据生态文明视域下西部承接产业转移的价值定位,构建具体的价值实现路径模型:生态价值实现的“2G2C”路径模型;核心价值实现的“TCE”路径模型;战略价值实现的“双环”路径模型,同时根据价值实现的路径梳理出相关的影响因素。 第四部分:借助中外学者的权威观点,对西部承接产业转移价值实现的相关因素进行假说验证,得出生态化承接、产业筛选程度、环保规制三个要素在价值实现的过程中发挥较大的作用。同时根据本文的研究结论对西部承接产业转移提出相关的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Industrial transfer is an important way to promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, the development of economic connotation and the harmonious development of regional economy. How to seize the opportunity to implement the strategy of catching up and surpassing in the western region has become very urgent. The 18th National Congress of the Party put the construction of "ecological civilization" in a prominent position and proposed to integrate the construction of ecological civilization into the economy and politics. The whole process of cultural and social construction. However, in the process of undertaking industrial transfer, the western region has paid a serious price in terms of resource depletion and environmental degradation. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the value realization mechanism of undertaking industrial transfer in the western region from the perspective of ecological civilization. This paper makes a preliminary discussion on the realization mechanism of the value of undertaking the industrial transfer in the western region. The article mainly includes four parts:. The first part: take "ecological civilization", "industry transfer", "value" as the theoretical starting point, at the same time uses the SWOT analysis method, carries on the comprehensive analysis to the current western undertaking industry transfer has the superiority, the inferiority, the opportunity, the challenge which faces, carries on the comprehensive analysis, And then comb out the four factors that restrict the western region to undertake industrial transfer, and take this as the realistic starting point of the research. The second part: according to the five key restrictive factors in the process of undertaking the industrial transfer in the western region and the dimension division of the theoretical circle on the value, the value of this paper is defined as: first, ecological value, Focusing on the ecological effects of the industrial transfer in the western region from the perspective of ecological civilization; second, the core value, that is, the economic effect brought by the industrial transfer to the western region; third, the strategic value, Namely, the social effect on the future development of the western region. The third part: according to the value orientation of the western region to undertake the industrial transfer under the view of ecological civilization, the paper constructs the specific value realization path model: the "2G2C" path model of ecological value realization, the "TCE" path model of core value realization, and the "2G2C" path model of the core value realization. The "double loop" path model for the realization of strategic value, and the related influencing factors are sorted out according to the path of value realization at the same time. The fourth part: with the help of the authoritative views of Chinese and foreign scholars, the hypothesis of the relevant factors for the realization of the value of industrial transfer in the western region is verified, and the degree of ecological undertaking and industrial screening is obtained. The three elements of environmental protection regulation play an important role in the process of value realization. At the same time, according to the conclusions of this paper, the author puts forward some relevant policy recommendations on undertaking industrial transfer in western China.


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