本文选题:环渤海区域 + 区域金融 ; 参考:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Bohai region, with its strong economic base, superior regional position and unique supporting role, is at the key stage of economic structure transformation and development, and is one of the most potential new growth poles of China's economy. However, the geographical location, natural conditions, economic base and industrial layout are different in many aspects, and the region of Bohai is around the region. The optimal allocation of financial cooperation has not been fully played out. The irrational allocation of financial resources in the region has influenced the economic and social development of various subjects to a certain extent. How to build the support system of regional financial development around Bohai and establish a coordination mechanism of financial cooperation adapted to the engine of regional economic growth to realize regional economic development. The development of financial integration has become a problem facing the Bohai economic zone at present, which is the starting point and destination of this paper. This paper first summarizes the research status of regional financial cooperation at home and abroad, and collates the theory of regional financial cooperation from the perspective of regional economic integration and the regional financial cooperation. The basic characteristics and operation mechanism are analyzed, and the theoretical research proposition of this article is put forward. Secondly, this paper makes a comparative analysis on the economic and financial development level of the provinces and cities around Bohai region, and explores the current situation of regional financial cooperation resulting from it. The research finds that the development differences among the provinces and cities within the region of the Bohai region are relatively prominent, There is a certain gap between the whole area and the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta; influenced by the unbalanced economic and financial development, the degree of regional financial cooperation is insufficient. Thirdly, this paper uses the data of the economic and social development of the four provinces and two cities in the four provinces around the region to construct the structural equation model, and carries out the fitting test of the regional financial cooperation in the Bohai region, and the empirical analysis area The empirical results show that regional economic development and financial development around Bohai are the basis of regional financial cooperation, but the modes of influence are different. Economic development has both direct and indirect effects on financial cooperation. Financial development has only indirect influence on financial cooperation; and the regional financial cooperation in Bohai rim is capable of financial cooperation. The main path is to promote the development of regional economy, the main path is through direct effect on financial development, which has an indirect effect on economic development. Finally, on the basis of comparative analysis and empirical analysis, combined with the current situation of financial cooperation in various provinces and cities around Bohai region, this paper puts forward the construction of the ring Bohai regional financial development support system and the establishment of the ring. Bohai regional financial cooperation mechanism and countermeasures.
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