本文选题:运输经济 + 协同发展 ; 参考:《公路交通科技》2017年11期
[Abstract]:The coordinated development of transportation and regional economy is the premise of coordinated development of various departments of national economy. At present, however, most of the researches focus on whether the development of transportation can pull and support the development of social economy, rather than analyzing the relationship between them from a systematic point of view. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the achievements and problems in the research of regional economy and transportation coordination development at home and abroad, and analyzes the importance and essential meaning of regional economic development and transportation coordination development. Then, from the point of view of system analysis, the evaluation indexes of seven representative regional economic subsystems, which reflect the economic scale, economic structure and economic benefits, are constructed, and the scale and structure of transportation are reflected. The seven indicators of transportation development represent the evaluation index of transportation system, forming a comprehensive evaluation index system of regional economy and transportation coordinated development. The principal component analysis method is used to find out the main factors to measure the level of regional economic development and the level of transportation. Using these factors, the evaluation model of dynamic cooperative development of transportation and regional economy and the evaluation model of static cooperative development are constructed. The model can objectively calculate the degree of synergy between transportation and regional economic development, and can directly reflect the synergy between transportation and regional economy. Finally, in order to verify the validity of the model, taking Xinjiang as an example, this paper evaluates the degree of synergy between the development of Xinjiang economy and transportation, and makes a reasonable analysis of the evaluation results. The paper also puts forward some suggestions to strengthen the financial support for Xinjiang transportation infrastructure construction, to enhance the accessibility between regions, to promote the coordinated development of the two systems, and to strengthen the adjustment and optimization of traffic and transportation network structure in Xinjiang.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学交通运输学院;
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