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发布时间:2018-06-14 09:27

  本文选题:接续区 + 大宗金属矿产 ; 参考:《中国地质大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:人类社会的发展历史是一个对自然资源进行开发利用的历史,自然资源提供了人类生存发展所需要的一切物质资料。随着人类社会的不断发展和经济的快速增长,物质需求不断增大,同时增加的还有自然资源的消耗量。20世纪70年代以来,我国在经济建设上取得长足发展,逐渐进入工业化与城市化快速发展时期,这意味着巨大的资源需求量,且这一资源高消耗还将持续较长的一段时间。在此过程中,矿产资源供需之间的矛盾也日益显现,成为影响和制约我国社会经济平稳快速发展的重大阻力之一。如何使有限的自然资源满足人类可持续发展需要是现今存在于资源管理中十分突出的矛盾和急需解决的主要问题,也是实现经济社会全面可持续发展的关键所在。 矿产资源作为自然资源的主要组成部分,它的可持续利用程度是影响人口、资源、环境和经济健康协调发展的重要因素之一。矿产资源开发活动当中与区域环境、人类活动等组成的复杂系统,是本文主要研究对象,厘清这一复杂系统的元素、结构、环境、功能和它们之间相互制约关系,是寻求矿产开发活动和区域之间协调发展的基本前提。矿产资源战略接续区则是这种复杂系统思想的最好体现形式。本文以系统论、可持续发展理论和资源代际公平理论为支撑,三大理论共同构筑了矿产资源战略接续区的理论框架体系。具体而言,作为一个资源与区域共同发展的复杂系统,它的系统功能、结构、演化、协调都遵循了一般系统的基本特征与客观规律,对它进行系统分析时不能脱离系统科学的基本理论。研究战略接续区基本内涵的主要目的是为了协调不可再生的矿产资源和人类对矿产资源无限需求之间的矛盾,促进矿产资源的持续利用,其根本在于实现人类的可持续发展。 随着我国工业化、城市化进程的不断加快,矿产资源需求的逐渐增长,与我国矿产勘查程度偏低、重要矿产储量逐渐下降、后备矿产资源基地不断减少等之间的矛盾日益突出。因此矿产资源战略接续区的形成,是我国经济社会发展中矿产资源关系矛盾发展的必然产物。开发矿产资源接续区成为确保资源安全、经济稳定发展的客观要求。就其矿产资源禀赋而言,资源接续区一方面要有充足的资源潜力,另一方面要有能满足当前阶段国民经济建设和社会发展需要的、最紧迫和最重要的矿产资源。 我国金属矿产资源普遍存在总量巨大,但是人均不足,且贫矿多等特点,在我国经济飞速发展的背景下,金属矿产资源保障能力逐年下降的问题越发凸显。我国作为一个矿产资源大国,金属矿产资源种类繁多,不同金属矿产对国民经济的影响程度不同,社会发展对不同金属矿产资源的需求量也不同。因此本文从需要量巨大、对人民生活和国民经济发展密切相关和保障能力不足等方面入手,确定了对国民生活和经济影响巨大且需求量巨大的5个矿种,铁、铜、铅、锌和铝土矿作为本文研究的重要大宗金属矿产资源,由于铅矿和锌矿在自然界大都共生存在,因此在本文中以铅锌矿作为一个整体进行讨论。在分析这5个矿种的现状后,发现以现有的矿产资源保有量,在未来可预测的年限内它们都将被消耗殆尽。而通过分析它们的成矿特点、目前的矿产勘探普及程度等相关因素后,则发现它们拥有巨大接续潜力,这也成为建立矿产资源战略接续区的先决条件。 分别从5种金属矿产的现有矿产资源查明资源储量分级、重要成矿区带分布、国家主体功能区划分等资料中获取资源禀赋条件、成矿地质背景、区域矿产产业基础、矿山开采条件等数据,按照接续区划分技术流程得到30个重要大宗金属矿产资源战略接续区。以这30个重要大宗金属矿产资源战略接续区所涉及地区,以县域作为最小组成单元,形成本文研究区域,其中共涉及到76个县市,分布在福建、甘肃、广西、贵州、河北、河南、湖北、湖南、江西、辽宁、内蒙古、青海、山东、陕西、四川、西藏、新疆、重庆和云南共19个省市。在这30个战略接续区中,有铁矿接续区11个,铜矿接续区6个,铅锌接续区8个,铝土接续区5个。从它们的分布态势上看,不论是重要大宗金属矿产资源战略接续区还是重要大宗金属单矿种矿产资源战略接续区,在数量上西部地区都有着绝对优势,其次是中部,第三是东北部,最差是东部。而这种西多东少的局面,与我国产业结构调整与工业产业转移的方向基本一致。 从矿产资源战略接续区开发的角度,矿产资源开发与环境承载力、区域经济发展、人力资源智力层次和区域开发条件等之间存在着相互作用力,按照这种交互关系,本文建立了战略接续区开发适宜性评价指标体系。而接续区和所在区域组成的复杂系统,其演化是以矿产资源开发为起点,而人类社会对矿产资源的消费构成了其演化的动力,而环境、人力、经济和开发条件都是其动力作用机制,其中又以生态环境和经济发展最为重要,是它重要的开发导向机制。分别在这两种导向型下进行开发的接续区,会对相同的约束因子产生不同的反馈。这种不同导向型下的综合评价,更能凸显各接续区的不同特点。 因为矿产资源评价自身所具有模糊性和为了避免主观因素对评价的影响,本文引入了Mamdani FIS评价模型,使得评价结果更加客观科学。本文通过社会经济、矿产资源、人力资源、生态环境和社会环境等5个指标,共6个可量化因子,描述了在不同导向型下的各矿种战略接续区的开发适宜性。通过战略接续区开发适宜性综合评价模型得到的在生态环境和社会经济两种导向型下的不同评价结果显示来看,在不同导向型下,虽然得分不同,但在相同矿种战略接续区之间进行比较,可以发现直方图的走向和趋势基本相同。因此说明虽然综合评价的导向型因子不同,但是两者评价结果之间存在着一定的内在联系,这为使用它们的评价结果作为双约束条件进行战略接续区分区提供了支撑。从综合评价结果中还可以看出,评价结果的得分可以在一定程度上反映了地域的特点,同一个省内或是相邻省市上的战略接续区在综合评价上得分会较接近,并没有被行政单元的划分所割裂,这说明评价结果很好的保留了各评价指标在地域上的连续性。 传统的分区方法在处理样本时,仅仅将一种导向型下的样本聚类到一起,而忽略样本在其他导向型下的聚类可能性,针对这一问题,本文使用的是双约束模式下的分区方法。该方法综合了不同导向型下的综合评价结果,在进行接续区分区时,不仅要使同一分区内各分区单元在一种属性上具有相似特征,同时也应该满足同一分区内各分区单元在另一种属性上的相似性。这种模式使得分区的依据更为充分和科学。 本文按照生态环境和社会经济双约束条件下的分区模式,使用模糊C均值聚类方法把各矿种接续区从空间上分为了三类,再按照各类自身属性条件,把它们从时序上分为了开发接续区、中期接续区和远景接续区,其中铁矿有4个开发接续区、4个中期接续区和3个远景接续区;铜矿有2个开发接续区、3个中期接续区和1个远景接续区;铅锌矿有1个开发接续区、4个中期接续区和2个远景接续区;铝土矿有1个开发接续区、1个中期接续区和3个远景接续区,实现了在矿产资源可持续开展理论中的代际公平性。 从分区的结果中可以看出,接续区的时序上的开发过程基本是从东往西慢慢推进的,造成这一结果的主要原因是,我国区域经济发展的不均衡,东、中、西部的基础设施建设完善度与整体区域开发强度存在较大差异,西部地区的矿产资源的储量优势与其资源开发条件优势和生态地质环境优势极为不匹配。这也说明了西部在我国重要大宗金属矿产资源战略储备中所占的重要地位,未来的我国经济建设所需的矿产资源大部分将来自西部。而中部地区仍将在未来一段时期内承担全国矿产资源供给接续的大部分任务,但是其以往矿产资源开发利用主战场的地位将慢慢减弱。东部和东北地区的矿产资源接续区数量相对较小,但其作为老牌的工业基地,在未来矿产资源开发利用战略接续格局中的地位和作用同样不能忽视。 根据各战略接续区属性的不同特点,提升它们开发适宜性的开发战略应有不同。在区域上可以实行由东向西、由南向北层序递进、逐渐深入的总体开发战略,最终形成东西并重,并以中部、西部矿产资源接续供应为核心的宏观战略布局。同时,根据我国当前经济社会发展的实际需要,对开发适宜性高的接续区进行优先开发,减少建设时间,迅速减缓重要大宗金属矿产资源的供需矛盾,于此同时逐步建设中期和远景接续区,形成优势保护矿种的战略储备基地。
[Abstract]:The history of the development of human society is a history of exploitation and utilization of natural resources. Natural resources provide all material materials needed for human survival and development. With the continuous development of human society and rapid economic growth, the material demand is increasing, and the consumption of natural resources is increased at the same time in the 70s.20 century. China has made great progress in economic construction and gradually entered the period of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, which means huge demand for resources, and the high consumption of this resource will continue for a long period of time. In this process, the contradiction between supply and demand of mineral resources is becoming increasingly apparent, which has become the influence and restriction of our country's social economy. One of the major obstacles to smooth and rapid development. How to make the limited natural resources meet the needs of human sustainable development is the main problem which is very prominent in the resource management and the key problem to be solved urgently. It is also the key to realize the comprehensive and sustainable development of the economy and society.
As one of the main components of natural resources, the sustainable utilization of mineral resources is one of the important factors that affect the coordinated development of population, resources, environment and economic health. The complex system of mineral resources development activities, including regional environment and human activities, is the main object of this paper to clarify the elements of this complex system. The basic prerequisite for the exploration of mineral resources development activities and the coordinated development between regions is the basic prerequisite for the exploration of mineral resources development activities and the coordinated development between regions. The mineral resources strategic continuity area is the best embodiment of this complex system thought. This paper is supported by system theory, sustainable development theory and resource intergenerational equity theory as the support of the three major theories. In the same way, as a complex system of resources and regional development, its system function, structure, evolution and coordination have followed the basic characteristics and objective laws of the general system, and the basic theory of system science can not be divorced from the systematic science. The main purpose of the basic connotation of the continuation area is to coordinate the contradiction between the non renewable mineral resources and the infinite demand for mineral resources, and to promote the sustainable utilization of mineral resources, which lies in the realization of the sustainable development of human beings.
With the rapid development of China's industrialization, the accelerating process of urbanization, the gradual increase in the demand for mineral resources, the low degree of mineral exploration in China, the gradual decline of the important mineral reserves and the continuous reduction of the reserve mineral resources base, the formation of the mineral resources strategic continuity area is the mineral resources in the economic and social development of our country. The development of mineral resources continuity area is the objective requirement to ensure the safety of resources and the stable economic development. In terms of its mineral resources endowment, the resource continuity area should have sufficient resources potential on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is necessary to meet the needs of the current stage of national economic construction and social development. Force and the most important mineral resources.
In China, the total amount of metal mineral resources is huge, but the per capita shortage and poor ore are many. In the background of China's rapid economic development, the decline of metal mineral resources support capacity is becoming more and more obvious. As a large mineral resource country, China has a wide variety of metal mineral resources and different metal minerals to the national economy. The demand for different metal mineral resources is different from the social development. Therefore, this paper, starting with the huge demand, closely related to the development of people's life and the national economy and the inability to guarantee, determines 5 kinds of minerals, iron, copper, lead, zinc and bauxite, which have great impact on the national life and economy and need a huge amount of demand. As the important bulk metallic mineral resources studied in this paper, the lead and zinc ores are mostly symbiotic in nature, so the lead and zinc ores are discussed as a whole in this paper. After analyzing the status of the 5 minerals, it is found that the existing mineral resources will be consumed in the future for a predictable period of life. Through the analysis of their metallogenic characteristics, the current mineral exploration and popularization and other related factors, it is found that they have great continuity potential, which is also a prerequisite for the establishment of the strategic succession of mineral resources.
From the existing mineral resources of 5 metal minerals, we find out the classification of resources reserves, the distribution of important metallogenic zones and the division of national main function areas, and obtain the resource endowment conditions, the metallogenic geological background, the regional mineral industry foundation, the mining conditions and so on, and the 30 important bulk metallic ores according to the technological process of the continuation area division. The strategic succession area of production resources, taking the area involved in the 30 important bulk metallic mineral resources strategic succession areas, taking the county as the smallest component, forms the study area, involving 76 counties and cities, which are distributed in Fujian, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Shandong, four. There are 19 provinces and cities in Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Chongqing and Yunnan. In the 30 strategic succession areas, there are 11 iron ore continuity areas, 6 copper mine succession areas, 8 lead and zinc continuation areas and 5 aluminous continuation areas. From their distribution, the strategic succession area of important bulk metallic mineral resources or the strategy of important bulk metallic single mineral resources The continuation area has an absolute advantage in the western region, followed by the central part, the third is the northeast, and the worst is the East. The situation of the west east and the East is in accordance with the direction of industrial structure adjustment and industrial transfer in China.
From the point of view of the development of mineral resources strategic continuity area, there are mutual forces between mineral resources development and environmental carrying capacity, regional economic development, human resource intelligence level and regional development conditions. According to this interactive relationship, the suitability evaluation index system of strategic continuation area is established. The complex system consists of the development of mineral resources as the starting point, and the consumption of the mineral resources is the motive power of the human society, and the environment, human, economic and development conditions are its dynamic mechanism, among which the ecological environment and economic development are the most important mechanism of development and guidance, respectively in this two. The continuous zone developed under the orientated type will produce different feedback on the same constraint factors. This comprehensive evaluation under the different orientation can highlight the different characteristics of the successive areas.
Because of the fuzziness of mineral resources evaluation and to avoid the influence of subjective factors on the evaluation, the Mamdani FIS evaluation model is introduced in this paper to make the evaluation result more objective and scientific. In this paper, 6 quantifiable factors are described through 5 indexes, such as social economy, mineral resources, human resources, ecological environment and social environment, which are described in this paper. The development suitability of the strategic succession area under different orientated types. The different evaluation results of the ecological environment and social economy under the two oriented model of the ecological environment and the social economy through the strategic continuity development suitability evaluation model show that, under the different guiding types, the score is different, but the ratio of the same type of strategic succession is compared. It can be found that the direction and trend of the histogram are basically the same. Therefore, although the guiding factors of the comprehensive evaluation are different, there is a certain intrinsic relationship between the results of the two evaluation. This provides a support for the use of their evaluation results as double constraints to carry out the strategic succession zone partition. It can be seen that the score of the evaluation results can reflect the characteristics of the region to a certain extent. The score of the strategic succession in the same province or the neighboring provinces and cities will be close to the comprehensive evaluation, and it is not separated by the division of the administrative unit, which shows that the evaluation results are good to keep the continuity of each evaluation index in the region.
In the traditional partition method, only one oriented sample is clustered together when the sample is processed, and the clustering possibility of the sample is ignored in the other oriented model. In this paper, the partition method under the dual constraint mode is used in this paper. In the area, not only the subarea units in the same partition have similar characteristics in one attribute, but also the similarity in the other attributes in the same partition should be satisfied. This pattern makes the basis of the partition more sufficient and scientific.
In accordance with the zoning model under the dual constraints of ecological environment and social economy, this paper uses the fuzzy C means clustering method to divide the mining areas into three categories from space, and then according to their own property conditions, divides them from time series to the development and continuity area, the mid-term continuation area and the remote area, of which there are 4 development and continuation of iron ore. Area, 4 medium-term continuity areas and 3 remote areas; copper mines have 2 development and succession areas, 3 mid-term continuation areas and 1 remote areas; lead and zinc mines have 1 development and continuation areas, 4 mid-term continuation areas and 2 remote areas; bauxite has 1 development and continuation areas, 1 medium-term continuity areas and 3 remote areas. The continuity of intergenerational equity in the theory.
From the result of the zoning, it can be seen that the development process of the sequence of succession in the continuation area is gradually advanced from the east to the West. The main reason for this result is the uneven development of the regional economy in China. There is a great difference between the improvement of the infrastructure construction and the overall regional opening intensity in the East, the middle and the west, and the mineral resources in the western region. The advantage of reserves is not well matched with the advantages of resource development conditions and the advantages of ecological geological environment. It also shows the important position of the West in the strategic reserve of important bulk metallic mineral resources in China. The mineral resources needed in the future of China's economic construction will come from the West. The central region will still be in the future. In the period of the period, the majority of the national mineral resources supply and replacement will be undertaken, but the status of the former mineral resources development and utilization of the main battlefield will slowly weaken. The mineral resource continuation area in the East and the northeast is relatively small, but as the old industrial base, the status of the future development and utilization of mineral resources and the strategic succession pattern of mineral resources and the status of the strategic succession of mineral resources in the future The role can not be ignored.
According to the different characteristics of the strategic succession area, the development strategy of improving their development suitability should be different. In the region, we can carry out the overall development strategy from east to west, from the south to North sequence, and gradually deep into the development strategy, and finally form the macro strategic layout at the core of the central and western mineral resources. In accordance with the actual needs of the current economic and social development in our country, we should give priority to the development of the sustainable development areas with high suitability, reduce the construction time, and quickly slow down the contradiction between supply and demand of important bulk metallic mineral resources. At the same time, the medium-term and remote areas are gradually built to form the strategic reserve base of the best potential protection.


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